FOPH adjusts quarantine list: France is no longer a risk zone – New Montenegro on the list


The list of countries at risk of the BAG was updated on Wednesday. Belgium, Armenia and France are no longer considered risk areas. Only the French overseas territory of Polynesia is currently still on the list. According to the BAG, trips to Paris and Co. are now again possible without the obligation of quarantine.

The list of countries at risk was significantly longer three weeks ago. Since Switzerland has overtaken many countries in terms of the number of infections, the FOPH has decided to declare as risk areas only those countries that: in the last two weeks have had more than 60 infections per hundred thousand people more than Switzerland. Switzerland currently has 1,069 infections per hundred thousand inhabitants.

In Austria, the regions of Upper Austria and Salzburg are considered risk areas. Otherwise, only Andorra, Luxembourg, Montenegro and the Czech Republic can be found in the BAG.

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