LAST MINUTE: What can US President Donald Trump do after leaving the White House?


Although US President Donald Trump has not yet accepted the November 3 election results, he must accept the situation with the official results announced in December.

No president in the United States has so far encountered difficulties following the election results and Trump is not expected to take such an attitude. Because he himself declared that he would do “the right thing” when all the official and legal results have been announced.

So what will Trump do after the 45th president of the United States leaves the White House? The US media has made many claims about what Trump, one of America’s richest businessmen, can do after leaving his presidency.


The first possibility is that Trump continues to work at full speed for the presidential election of 2024. He can do so by actively continuing his political life. The Republican Party should continue its de facto leadership.

It is also possible for Trump to participate in the broadcast. Although it is among the rumors that it wants to establish a TV channel where it can compete with Fox News, it can enter the life of the broadcast without any competition.

Trump, on the other hand, is not far from the television scene. He entered the entertainment world in 2004 by preparing the program “Çırak” (The Apprentice) on the NBC channel. By setting up his own television channel, he will progress in politics and will not be erased from memories.


So what can Trump do if he leaves politics? First of all, it is certain that those with 89 million followers on Twitter, even if they are not actively involved in political life, will have the power to mobilize the masses.

Trump, one of America’s richest businessmen who was listed in the Forbes 400 Richest People in the World in 2016, may be eager to get back into business. Known for his real estate business, Trump owns many golf courses and hotels under the Trump Organization roof. He has investments such as Trump Tower, Trump Plaza, Trump International, not only in his hometown of New York, but also in Chicago, Miami, Las Vegas and many other parts of the world.

The last possibility is for Trump to leave the country. Lawsuits for the presidential term can be filed and his departure from the United States is among those pronounced.

The New York Times wrote that Trump got involved in dubious tax strategies in the 1990s and helped his family escape millions of dollars. The NYT claimed Trump only paid $ 52.2 million out of $ 550 million in taxes.


Writing books in retirement is a popular choice among US presidents. 44. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama have signed a record contract worth $ 65 million. Obama also signed a multi-million dollar deal with Netflix.

43. President George W. Bush received an advance of $ 10 million for the book to write his memoirs. Trump may choose to write to the presidency.

On the other hand, with the Ex Presidents Act enacted in 1958 in the United States, retired presidents receive an annual salary of 207,000 800 dollars. In addition to this salary, social benefits are also provided, and former presidents are provided with lifetime protection from the secret services.


The result of the controversial US elections will be officially announced in December. Trump will have to admit defeat after the election announced that Joe Biden was officially the winner.

Trump will leave the White House after taking power on January 20, 2021. Despite all these possibilities being said, it seems unlikely that a person who has been the president of the United States for 4 years will quietly retire before the eyes, known and recognized for much. part of his life.

Many US officials are confident that Trump will be a candidate in 2024. In summary, Trump, who has been talking about himself for 4 years, is unlikely to suddenly disappear from our lives. However, Trump, whom we have known for his unpredictable policies during his presidency, may surprise us by leaving the White House and choosing a quiet retirement life.

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