2020 U.S. election: Donald Trump and Republicans contest ended with no evidence in Nevada


The majority of voters in the US state of Nevada voted for Joe Biden in the presidential election. According to official figures, the Democrat’s lead was 33,596 votes. But incumbent incumbent Donald Trump and his campaign team still don’t want to see it and are again taking legal action against the outcome.

Republicans are demanding that Trump be declared the winner of the Nevada election by court order, or alternatively that the election results be canceled and no winner confirmed. This emerges from the complaint filed Tuesday by a group of Republican officials.

Many allegations, no evidence

He claims that “fraud and abuse are making the Nevada election results illegal.” The election was manipulated by a faulty machine to check voter signatures. He goes on to say that official election observers have been denied access to the polls.

However, neither Trump nor his team have yet been able to provide any evidence to support their allegations. Several lawsuits against election results in other states have already failed in court and the Republicans’ accusations have failed.

In Nevada, Republicans had tried to stop the postal vote count in and around the Democratic stronghold of Las Vegas before election day on November 3, the AP news agency reported. The same judge will now deal with the new complaint. According to the AP, Trump’s camp is running out of time for his desperate mission: on November 24 the Nevada Supreme Court will officially confirm the election result. Biden arrives with six Nevada voters for a total of 306 votes in the “Electoral College”.

Local authorities have again flatly denied the claims of the Republicans. Their lawsuit appears to be based on “parroting false allegations without first-hand knowledge of the facts,” said Dan Kulin, a spokesman for the Clark County Election Department, Nevada. Trump supporters repeat the allegations that the courts have already dismissed.

The president-elect and his followers have so far refused to acknowledge Biden’s election victory. This blocks the handover of government affairs, which traditionally begins before the inauguration of the new president.

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