Missile attack on US embassy in Iraq – Trump ordered troops to withdraw shortly before


US President Donald Trump ordered the withdrawal of additional US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq shortly before the end of his term. (Image: Keystone)


US President Trump wants to withdraw more troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Shortly after the announcement, there were missile attacks on the US embassy in Iraq.

Several rockets fell in the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Tuesday evening. Four Katyusha rockets hit the so-called Green Zone, the Iraqi security forces media department reported on Twitter. This is where the highly secure government district and the embassies of the United States and other countries are located. The rockets were launched from the east of the capital. There was no information on possible victims. At first no one confessed to the attack.

In recent months there have been repeated missile attacks near the Green Zone and Baghdad airport. Behind it are mainly local militias, some of which are supported by neighboring Iran. The attacks were also directed against Iraqi military bases used by US troops. Shiite militias allied with Iran demand the withdrawal of US soldiers.

The missile attacks followed shortly after the United States announced Tuesday that it would withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. By January 15, the number of troops will be reduced to around 2,500 each, interim Defense Secretary Christopher Miller said. According to US broadcaster CNN, there are currently around 3,000 US troops stationed in Iraq.

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