US threatens hundreds of thousands more crown deaths: Biden can only watch third wave without doing anything: politics


In the United States, more than 245,000 people have died from or from Covid 19 disease, more than in any other country in the world. Due to the presidential elections in early November, the crown crisis in the country was temporarily blurred: the number of infections in the United States continues to grow unhindered and more than eleven million people have been infected with the corona virus.

On Sunday alone, the number of newly infected people rose to over 130,000, the current daily high being 177,224 new infections for last Friday.

In terms of population, the United States is behind Spain, Belgium, Great Britain and various Latin American countries with approximately 75 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.

But as current US President Donald Trump continues to sow unfounded doubts about the election result, scientists at the University of Washington are already warning of a further escalation of the crown crisis: if things continue as before, a total of nearly 440,000 Americans may have died of Covid-19 by March as the current model calculations from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show.

Based on the current death toll, this would correspond to around 200,000 additional deaths per crown in the country. If, on the other hand, distance regulations and crown sizes were relaxed, the number of deaths per crown would even increase to over 580,000 by March.

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In the third and final scenario, the researchers hypothesize a nationwide mask requirement in nearly all public areas: Under these circumstances, the crown death curve has flattened significantly to around 370,000 by March. Even in this scenario, more than 100,000 more people would still die of or from Covid 19 disease.

Biden: Without a vote, more people could die

There are no signs that the US government under Donald Trump will take decisive countermeasures by the end of his term in January. During the final weeks of the US election campaign, Trump had repeatedly downplayed the risk of the coronavirus and claimed that his country had overcome the pandemic: the number of newly infected and dead speak a different language.

Mobile site for crown testing in New York a tentPhoto: dpa / AP / John Minchillo

Although Joe Biden is considered the president-elect of the United States, Biden is helpless until he takes office on January 20 and cannot change anything about the current political course in the crown pandemic.

Biden warned: “If we don’t vote, more people could die.” If his team had to wait until the inauguration on January 20 to prepare, it would delay everything by a month or a month and a half. That is why it is important that the vote take place now or “as soon as possible”.

The current US administration under Trump is blocking preparations for the change of power and cooperation of government agencies with Biden’s transition team. However, Biden is already preparing measures against the crown pandemic, his chief of staff Ronald Klain told NBC on Sunday.

The difficult change of power makes the fight against the pandemic difficult

The future president of the United States apparently wants to protect the population from infections mainly with targeted measures: “We have approaches with the precision of a scalpel instead of the sheer power of an ax,” said Vivek Murthy, one of the co-heads of the board of coronavirus experts Biden, the Fox television station on Sunday.

Two doctors in protective clothing work on a ward at Bellevue Hospital in New York.Photo: dpa / Seth Wenig

Trump’s chief virologist Anthony Fauci also criticizes this blockade: The Trump administration’s refusal to acknowledge Biden’s election victory is hampering the future fight against the pandemic, Fauci told CNN. In some states, governors have already understood the gravity of the situation and have enacted tougher measures to protect themselves from infections.

This includes, for example, the state of North Dakota, whose governor is a Republican, the Trump party. Mask requirements and restaurant restrictions now apply through mid-December in the state bordering Canada. A mask requirement in locked rooms now also applies in the Republican-ruled US state of West Virginia.

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50 US states with partially different measures

In the democratically-governed US state of Michigan, restaurants, as in Germany, can only sell away from home for the moment: universities and event venues remain closed and who can work from home. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer defended tougher measures to contain the crown pandemic.

“We are in the worst weeks of this pandemic. We’ve been through this for nine months and at the moment the numbers are worse than ever and we need to act aggressively, ”Whitmer told MSNBC on Monday.

Given the “power vacuum” in Washington, it is up to the governors to do all they can to save lives and follow the advice of health workers. However, it remains questionable whether isolated and stricter corona measures in the 50 partially sovereign US states could contain the pandemic. (with dpa)

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