Facebook banned in the Solomon Islands. It is the fourth country in the world to make this decision


The Solomon Islands government has decided to temporarily ban Facebook due to misuse and lack of regulation regarding the social networking site.

Communications Minister Peter Shanel Agovaka confirmed the decision to the Solomon Times, saying controversial issues had been raised through the platform.

He said there were concerns about the lack of legislation to “govern Internet use”.

“Offensive language against ministers, the prime minister, reputation attacks, defamation, all of these are troubling issues,” Agovaka told Solomon Times Online, according to Agerpres.

“Internet use in the Solomon Islands must now be properly regulated to protect our young people from harmful content,” he added.

Agovaka assured that media organizations will still be able to function as usual, with the exception of the loss of access to the social media platform.

Most media in this Pacific island state use Facebook, and the prime minister uses the platform to broadcast live speeches nationwide, according to STO.

Agovaka said the government has yet to “find out how it can do this” and did not specify how long the ban will be valid.

“Operators need to create a firewall to block Facebook,” Agovaka said.

Currently China, Iran and North Korea have also imposed a ban on Facebook.


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