Italy records 37,255 coronavirus infections and 544 deaths in one day


Currently in Italy there are 688,435 patients with covid-19 and, although the vast majority have barely symptoms and are isolated at home, the pressure on hospitals continues to rise, with 34,704 hospitalized (560 more than yesterday) and 3,306 in therapy. intensive (+ 76).


Italy recorded 37,255 new coronavirus infections on the last day, one of the highest figures of the entire crisis, as well as 544 deaths, while experts note a slight “slowdown” in the spread of the pathogen.

In total, 1,144,551 people have been infected in the country since the beginning of the emergency in mid-February, the last 37,255 detected since this Friday 13-N, a figure lower than the almost 41,000 on Thursday, but there were also fewer tests.

In a single day, however, 544 deaths were recorded, the fifth worst since mid-April and which brings the provisional toll to 44,683 deaths.

Currently in Italy there are 688,435 patients with covid-19 and, although the vast majority have barely symptoms and are isolated at home, the pressure on hospitals continues to rise, with 34,704 hospitalized (560 more than yesterday) and 3,306 in therapy. intensive (+76).

The regions with the highest number of cases are still northern Lombardy (8,129), Piedmont (4,471) and Veneto (3,578) and southern Campania, with Naples as its capital (3,351).

Meanwhile, experts see a “slowdown” in the advance of the virus in this second wave of the pandemic, although there are still many cases, so today they urge you to persevere within the restrictions.

The president of the Superior Health Council, Franco Locatelli, explained in a press conference that this Friday for the fourth consecutive day there has been a reduction in hospitalizations in intensive care and also a reduction in the rate of transmission of the virus.

“This indicates that the strategy implemented is working and that there is a slowdown which of course has yet to be confirmed,” he said.

This slowdown in the advance of the pandemic, however, does not mean that the curve is narrowing, warned the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Silvio Brusaferro.

“The number of infections is still significant and therefore we must not let our guard down”, he urged.

The director of prevention of the health ministry, Gianni Rezza, spoke of “an apparent downward trend” in the transmission rate of the virus but stressed that in any case it takes two weeks to confirm it.

To curb the virus, the government has enacted – in principle until December 3 – a national curfew between 22:00 and 5:00 (21:00 – 4:00 GMT), has restricted restaurant hours and closed cinemas, theaters, etc. gyms or swimming pools.

But above all, it has imposed a system with three levels of restrictions at the regional level – red, orange and yellow – to impose the most severe ones on the most affected territories and avoid a total closure of the country, which would penalize the least infected.

The “red” regions are practically experiencing a less severe isolation than last spring. There are currently seven regions at this level: Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, Tuscany, Trentino-Alto Adige (north), southern Campania and Calabria (the latter due to its precarious hospital system).


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