Joe Biden, hit hard! The truth about the First Lady of America has emerged


The new First Lady of the United States is hiding an incredible secret, recently revealed by her first husband: she cheated on Bill Stevenson with none other than the President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.

“Joe Biden stole Jill from me!” Says Jill’s first husband, who plans to publish a book about the presidential couple’s relationship and blow it all up.

According to Bill Stevenson, Joe and Jill have been lying around the world for more than four decades. The couple did not meet in a meeting with strangers, as they publicly claim: “I don’t want to hurt anyone,” Stevenson, 72, said in an exclusive interview with “But there is only one truth, and I know very well what happened.”

Jill’s ex-husband didn’t publish her explosive book before the election, in order not to diminish her chances of becoming First Lady. “She will become a wonderful First Lady!” Bill said before the election winner was announced. “But my story is my story.”

Stevenson married Jill Jacobs in 1970 and two years later the couple worked on Biden’s first campaign in the Senate. At the time, Biden was still married to his first wife, Neilia, who later died, along with their one-year-old daughter, Naomi, in a car accident right between Biden’s election and investiture in the Senate. .

Stevenson first suspected his wife was having an affair with Joe Biden in August 1974. She was 26 at the time, Jill, 23 and Joe, 31.

“I know exactly when it all started. I asked Jill to come with me to a Bruce Springsteen concert and she refused. She had other plans to take care of Joe’s children, Beau and Hunter. I didn’t even know Joe and Jill were. so close! ”In October of that year, the new First Lady’s first husband confirmed her infidelity.

“I was at work and a guy asked me if I had a red Corvette. It was my wife’s car, which he said was often driven by Joe Biden. Then I asked Jill to leave the marital home, which he did. Her father begged me to take her home after hearing what had happened between us, but I didn’t want to. We broke up forever. “

“The point is, I consider Joe my friend,” continues Bill. “I’m not surprised he fell in love with Jill, everyone loves her as soon as they meet her. But the way the Biden couple chose to tell their story – Joe seeing a picture of Jill in March 1975 and falling in love with her then – that’s not true. They’ve been lying all over the world for over 40 years! “Jill and Joe got married in New York in June 1977.

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