Covid-19 agenda: new measures from countries with ‘record’ numbers


The number of Covid-19 cases worldwide has reached 54 million 84 thousand and the number of people who have died from the virus has reached 1 million 314 thousand.

The number of those who have been healed has exceeded 37 million 694 thousand and the number of those who have received treatment has exceeded 15 million.

Photo: Reuters

According to the compilation of AA, the number of cases has risen to 11 million 70 thousand in the US, 8 million 775 thousand in India, 5 million 819 thousand in Brazil and 1 million 922 thousand in France.

Joe Biden, who was elected president of the United States, recalled that he could not hold the presidency until January 20, 2021 and called on the Donald Trump administration to take urgent action against the rapidly increasing cases in the country.

Record in russia

Since the beginning of the epidemic, with 22 thousand 702 cases in the last 24 hours in Russia to the “highest daily number” During the achievement, the Russian government decided to mutually initiate flights to the East African countries Ethiopia and Seychelles.

The “risk” has increased in Italy

With the decree signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, the Campania and Tuscany regions have been classified from medium-risk yellow to very high-risk red, and the Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche regions from yellow to medium-high orange.

It is reported that the new measures determined in risk categories in these regions will come into effect from 15 November.

New restrictions in Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said new restrictions will be imposed across the country starting next week as cases and casualties have reached their highest levels since the outbreak of the outbreak.

Rouhani said they aim to reduce crowds and traffic with new restriction decisions, which include the suspension of cultural and educational activities, as well as restrictions on some commercial activities.

Kindergartens and primary schools have been closed

Nurseries and primary schools were reported to have been closed for 14 days due to the increase in the number of cases in Greece. It is reported that Covid-19 has been detected in mink raised on the farm in Kozana (Kozani), the country.

Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishamuddin Hussein said the United States and the Association of Southeast Asian Countries (ASEAN) should improve their cooperation in vaccine development.

Virus in a frozen package in China

The Res Cedir and Vazin Zehibe border gates between Libya and Tunisia have been reopened after being closed for eight months due to the epidemic.

It was reported that a virus was detected in a frozen shrimp package in the city of Lancou in the Chinese province of Gansu.

The European group qualifiers of the 2021 World Handball Championship, where the women’s national handball team will play against Portugal and Finland from 4 to 6 December, have been postponed due to the outbreak.

In Milan, one of the teams of the First Italian Football Championship (Serie A), it was reported that the Covid-19 test of coach Stefano Pioli was positive.

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