Trump urges Congress to draft a bill on covid relief


He asked Twitter to approve a new “broad and targeted” stimulus package for the economy to stop the deterioration caused by the pandemic.


US President Donald Trump on Saturday urged Congress to approve a new stimulus package for the “big and concentrated” economy to slow the deterioration caused by the pandemic and amid the stall in negotiations between Democrats and Republicans.

“Congress should now make a Covid Relief Bill. You need the support of the Democrats. Make it big and focused. Do it!” Trump said on Twitter.

These are the first words of Trump regarding the talks for the approval of a new stimulus package, since a week ago the projections of the main media gave the winner in the presidential election on November 3, the Democrat Joe Biden.

For the moment Trump has not acknowledged his electoral defeat and has denounced, without evidence, that there was a fraud.

Before the election, the President had repeatedly called for an agreement with the Democrats in Congress to agree on a new bailout plan for the economy, after the one approved last March worth 2.2 trillion dollars, the largest in the history of the United States.

The White House has been negotiating with progressives for months, but the negotiations stopped before the elections and have not yet resumed.

According to local media, if they resume, the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, who has not yet recognized Biden’s victory, would lead the talks, while the White House would remain in the background.

On Thursday, McConnell rejected Democrats’ requests to agree on a large aid package: “This is not a place I think we’re willing to go to,” he said.

Republicans are demanding approval of a limited bailout, similar to the $ 500 billion stimulus plan proposed by the Conservatives and which was blocked in September and October by Democrats in the Senate.

The Republican proposal includes funding for small businesses and public health, but does not raise funds for local governments or direct deposits to citizens, as the bailout plan approved in March did.

Progressives seek a broader aid package that includes new unemployment benefits, a second round of citizen checks, and assistance to state and local governments, among others.

The United States is the country most affected by the pandemic in the world, with 10,826,136 cases and 245,040 deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally.

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