Could EU members meet with Joe Biden soon? – Film Daily


President Donald Trump may not be ready to concede, but many EU leaders are already willing to talk to Joe Biden, who should have won the presidency. Biden, who reportedly has good relations with some of the EU’s senior officials, has received an incredible amount of congratulations from many world leaders.

Trump has been a controversial figure in the EU, enacting polarizing policies and withdrawn major deals that have surprised many leaders over the past four years. With the news of the expected election results, NBC News reported that some Europeans believed that disputes between the US and EU could end as soon as Biden took office in 2021.

Here is the latest news on what EU officials have to say about Biden’s victory and what to expect from Biden’s relations with the twenty-seven countries of the European Union.

As Joe Biden prepares to replace the president of the United States, members of the European Union are already organizing meetings with him.

EU leaders congratulate Biden

Following Biden’s projection of winning the presidency, European Union country leaders began congratulating Biden and Harris on Twitter, and some spoke directly to Biden on the phone. NPR reported that Biden spoke with French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Irish Prime Minister Micheal Martin on 10 October, among other leaders from non-EU countries.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told AP Biden it would mean “new opportunities for the transatlantic partnership”. Chancellor Merkel said she welcomes Biden’s victory “very warmly” and thinks that the United States and Germany “must be together to face the great challenges of our time”, according to Politic.

While Joe Biden prepares to replace the president of the United States, members of the European Union are already organizing meetings with him.

What did EU officials say?

An EU official said so Independent European Council President Charles Michel is expected to invite Biden to videoconferences and will schedule an upcoming meeting in Brussels, where the European Council is located. Michel said he thinks Biden “will adopt a calm style” and intends “to revive and renew our transatlantic alliance”. Many Europeans believe Biden will start renewing a country’s relations with the EU.

Second Independent, some EU officials have already started talking to Biden and his team, including Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice President of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Trade. EU officials have suggested that future talks with Biden will include topics like the pandemic, trade, security, foreign affairs and more.

As Joe Biden prepares to replace the president of the United States, members of the European Union are already organizing meetings with him.

Leaders want to talk to Biden

Even as Trump has blocked any transitional meeting with Biden, EU leaders seem ready and ready to start talking to the alleged president-elect. French President Emmanuel Macron released a statement saying his upcoming meetings with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will be held in “complete transparency towards President-elect Joe Biden’s team,” according to France 24.

Pompeo faced scrutiny when he said, “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” days after Biden would win from mainstream media. Biden has a good advantage in the popular vote with over 5 million more votes than Trump and is expected to get 306 electoral votes, according to CNN. According to France 24, Russia is the only major power not to congratulate Biden on winning the presidency.

As Joe Biden prepares to replace the president of the United States, members of the European Union are already organizing meetings with him.

Trump’s relationship with the EU

Over the past four years, Trump has not welcomed the EU, causing rifts in foreign relations. Some of Trump’s polarizing policies included imposing (and threatening) higher tariffs on EU exports, withdrawing from the Iranian nuclear deal, and ending U.S. involvement with the Paris climate deal. second Independent. Biden said re-entering the Paris Agreement would be one of his first duties, according to CBS News.

Many media outlets have talked about how Trump has “tightened” and “strained” the country’s relationship with the EU, which has made elections an international concern. Second Politic, former Polish Defense Minister Radosław Sikorski called the Trump presidency “an extraordinary saga of bluster and incompetence”.

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