2020 US elections: Donald Trump questions the certainty of victory


Joe Biden won significantly more voters than necessary in the US election, according to several TV channels, but the president continues to refuse to acknowledge his rival’s victory. In a press release about the coronavirus vaccine, Donald Trump did not mention Joe Biden at all. But then he came up with a phrase with which he almost admitted the possibility of losing the election.

“This government will not shut down,” he said during an appearance in the White House Rose Garden. He continued with the words: “I hope it happens”, paused for a moment – and then resumed his sentence: “Whatever happens in the future, who knows what government it will be, I think it will show up But I can assure you this government won’t shut in block “.

The incumbent did not respond to questions from reporters. Biden won 306 voters in the election last Tuesday, according to polls from US broadcasters. In his statement, Trump made public statements in front of cameras for the first time since Thursday of last week.

Trump poses as the victim of massive election fraud. His lawyers have filed lawsuits in several states but have provided no evidence of large-scale election fraud or errors. Several US authorities announced Thursday that the November 3 elections were the safest in American history.

Biden gewinnt Georgia, Trump North Carolina

Broadcasters CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS predicted Friday that Democrat Biden would win the state of Georgia and Republican Trump the state of North Carolina. These were the last two states that had not yet declared a winner in Tuesday’s election last week.

Trump had won the 2016 election exactly with Biden’s current outcome against his then rival Hillary Clinton: Trump had 306 voters at the time, Clinton had 232. According to broadcasters’ forecasts, Trump now also has 232. In 2016 he achieved a “landslide victory”. spoke even though he had the largest number of voters in the states, but nationwide, nearly three million fewer votes than Clinton.

In the national electoral vote, Biden is more than five million ahead of Trump: the Democrat has nearly 78 million votes (50.8 percent), the Republican 72.7 million (47.5 percent). The president of the United States is elected only indirectly by the people. The votes of the electors decide on the composition of the electoral college, which then elects the president in December. A candidate needs a majority of 538 voters to win.

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