They warn: Trump cannot change the election results


Politicians and strategists in the United States say today that President Donald Trump will not be able to change the results of the November 3 election.

The platoon was joined on Thursday by Karl Rove, considered a campaigner for former President George W. Bush, who said the elections “will not be reversed” as Trump continues his plans to leave the White House a victim of a fraud in the matter that which has not presented evidence.

Rove, described as Bush’s “guru,” admitted Wednesday that the 2020 presidential election will not be canceled despite the flood of lawsuits.

In an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, the strategist said that while the president has a right to question the findings, his efforts are unlikely to “shift a single state of Biden’s column, and certainly not enough. to change the final result ”, quotes Prensa Latina.

For that to happen, he said, the losers would have to “prove systemic fraud, with tens of thousands of illegal votes. So far there is no evidence of this. Unless something comes up quickly, the president’s chances in court will drop precipitously as states begin certifying results. “

He specified that once his days in court are over, the president must do his part to unite the country by leading a peaceful transition and abandoning complaints.

Republicans are encouraging Trump to accept defeat

According to CNN, the editorial makes Rove one of the most high-profile Republican figures encouraging Trump to accept the election results, something he rejects and instead promotes unfounded conspiracies that are against him. stealing his second term.

In court, Republicans and Trump’s campaign have not filed any kind of serious legal claims that could lead to recounting or disputing of vote counts on a significant number of ballots in the battlefield states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona and Georgia.

To achieve their goal of avoiding Democratic victory, Republicans would have to challenge enough votes in court and change a state they are losing in their favor.

“This is a standard they haven’t come close to meeting yet,” said Ben Ginsberg, a longtime Republican attorney and CNN analyst.

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