Tips to avoid password tracking in video calls


This was advised by cyber security expert Ómar Tirado, who in Noticias Caracol warned that cybercriminals can infiltrate video calls and also use the body movements of those who are logged in to access their passwords.

The method of committing cybercrime is known as “Zoom snooping” And, although it refers to the Zoom platform, it is used in others such as Skype, Hangouts, and Meets.

A study from the University of Texas explained that the technique by which it is possible to find out what a person types during a video call has an accuracy of 75%.

In particular, cybercriminals can, through analysis, “ddetermine the movement of the hands, map it to a keyboard, to be able to guess what the user is typing“The expert Tirado added to the news.

But there are ways to strengthen cybersecurity, among them, the interviewee said, are:

  • Wear long-sleeved dresses, to try to hide the movement of the shoulders. People with long hair can put it on their shoulders to avoid motion detection.
  • Use virtual funds offered by video calling platforms; These alter the silhouette of people.
  • Turn the camera off if it is not strictly necessary to have it turned on.

Tirado ensured that hackers have to attend digital meetings to get the information, then recommends that links not be shared with people outside of the quoteand set a password to allow guests to log in.

He also stresses on the news that it is important to choose a moderator who is aware that those who enter the video call are the ones who are called.


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