2020 US elections: Joe Biden is planning his government – first post already filled


  • Marvin Ziegele

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  • Lukas Rogalla

    Lukas Rogalla

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In late November, US President-elect Joe Biden wants to announce his selection for ministries. He has already made an initial decision.

  • After American elections Joe Biden’s transition team is already planning the composition of the next government.
  • The future President of the United States Joe Biden he wants a “different” government that reflects the United States.
  • His chief of staff has already been determined: all the news on the 2020 US elections at a glance.

Updated from Thursday 12 November 2020, 10:28: The elected president of the United States Joe Biden made a first decision on the composition of his government team. His longtime advisor Ron klain holds the key position of Chief of Staff in White House to take. This had Biden announced Wednesday. The US president-elect is therefore moving forward with preparations for his planned assumption of office on January 20, 2021.

US President-elect Joe Biden: longtime “priceless” adviser

Klein he had been an “invaluable” consultant to him over the years, Biden said. He boasted Klains ‘Deep’ and ‘broad’ experience and the ability to work with people from ‘across the political spectrum’. These characteristics would help to face the current crisis situation and “to put our country back together”, underlined the elected President. Joe Biden fought Corona-Krise and overcoming the in Triumphs The mandate indicated strong political and social divisions in the country as a priority of his presidency.

Ron klain called his appointment a “special honor”. He is happy with Joe Biden and the Vice President-elect Kamala Harris help put together a “talented and diverse” cabinet for the White House. Klain joined Joe Biden on the point that the future government’s first task was the United States of America to heal”.

Joe Biden: What could your toilet be like?

First reportage from Monday 9 November 2020, 2 pm: Washington – Up to Joe Biden ins White House moves and the office of Presidents of the United States takes over, more than two months will pass. His transition team already has their hands full to make the power shift as smooth as possible. Long before American elections would you Biden and his team have thought of his cabinet. Old competitors could also play a role.

Like US President Joe Biden wants to present a “different” cabinet.


US President-elect Joe Biden: What is Pete Buttigieg’s role in government?

The United States can almost certainly deal with a former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg count in an office. Officials of Joe Biden He is said to have told the news site “Axios” that the only question left is what position the former mayor of South Bend should hold. Buttigieg also insured Biden’s major donors. To friends: “Mayor Pete” would have expressed his desire to become UN ambassador. Buttigieg is supposed to speak eight languages. Democrats broadly agree on the 38-year-old’s political talent. “Axios” also reports it Pete Buttigieg the role of Minister of Housing and Urban Development or Head of the Ministry of War Veterans (has served in the military) could also be considered. It is debatable, however, whether future Vice President Kamala Harris would appreciate a major role from Buttigieg. It can be assumed that both will run for president of the United States again in four years.

With Bernie Sanders Another former presidential candidate has run for ministerial office. The left Vermont senator was, like Buttigieg, Biden’s rival months ago. According to “Politico”, he should be interested in the post of minister of labor.

US President-elect Joe Biden: A different government has been planned

As the “New York Times” reports, it should Joe Biden plan to create a wardrobe as varied as possible. It is not just about the color or origin of the skin, but also about ideology. “It really makes a difference to look like the country because everyone brings a slightly different perspective,” Biden is said to have said in the spring. Pete Buttigieg is for example homosexual. But also republicans: a role among the elected officials is being discussed US President Biden to take – as is the case with many office holders before. John Kasich, the former governor of Ohio, had repeatedly spoken out against the re-election of Donald Trump and at the same time had advised the Democratic Party not to move politically to the left. Republican businesswoman Meg Whitman is considered a favorite of the Department of Commerce.

Joe Biden will take care of the in United States of America strongly rampant Corona-Pandemics treat and stimulate the economy. The focus will therefore be mainly on health and business items. A forecast of the news site “Politico” see Elizabeth Warren, Former presidential candidate and senator from Massachusetts, as a favorite of the Treasury Department. Lael Brainard should also have a good chance. He has already held a similar international role under President Barack Obama. In US history, all Treasury Secretaries to date have been male and white. It is very likely that a woman will take Biden’s place. Lujan Grisham is the favorite of the Ministry of Health. He previously headed the agency in the state of New Mexico and is part of Biden’s transition team.

US President-elect Joe Biden: How Does He Cover the Ministries?

Due to the severe health and economic climate, an experienced diplomat is expected to head the State Department, possibly Susan Rice. Under Obama, she was United Nations Ambassador from 2009 to 2013 and National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2017. New Minister of Justice under Joe Biden could become former Senator Doug Jones. In American elections lost Jones in Alabama to Republican Tommy Tuberville. Jones is particularly well versed in civil rights issues. Tom Perez and Sally Yates are considered other contenders. Yates was the second senior Justice Department official under Obama. Under Trump, she was temporarily in office for a week until she refused to carry out her order to deny entry to citizens of several Muslim countries. Trump eventually fired Yates – he received a lot of praise from the Democratic Party for his efforts.

Office / Ministry Candidate: within
External Susan Rice, William Burns, Chris Coons, Tony Blinken
Interior Tom Udall, Martin Heinrich, Deb Haaland
Finances Lael Brainard, Elizabeth Warren, Roger Ferguson, Mellody Hobson, Sarah Bloom Raskin, Raphael Bostic
defence Tammy Duckworth, Michèle Flournoy, Jack Reed
Judicial Sally Yates, Doug Jones, Tom Perez, Xavier Becerra
Health Michelle Lujan Grisham, Vivek Murthy, Mandy Cohen
work Julie Su, Bernie Sanders, Tom Perez, Bill Spriggs, Sara Nelson, Andy Levin
education Lily Eskelsen Garcia, Randi Weingarten, Linda Darling-Hammond
Business Mellody Hobson, Meg Whitman, Terry McAuliffe
Housing and urban development Alvin Brown, Keisha Lance Bottoms, Karen Bass, Diane Yentel, Maurice Jones, Pete Buttigieg
power Arun Majumdar, Ernest Mortiz, Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall
Transport Eric Garcetti, Earl Blumenauer, Rahm Emanuel
Homeland Security Xavier Becerra, Alejandro Mayorkas
War veterans Pete Buttigieg, Jason Kander, Tammy Duckworth
agriculture Cheri Bustos, Marcia Fudge, Heidi Heitkamp
Ambassador: in for the United Nations Wendy Sherman, Pete Buttigieg
Responsible: in the environmental agency Mary Nichols, Jay Inslee, Heather, McTeer Toney

US President-elect Joe Biden: Government must go through the Senate

Ob Joe Biden his favorite candidate: inside im senate The ballot in Georgia in January, which will decide on a potential democratic majority, may also prevail. If not, Biden will be forced to compromise and propose rather moderate ministers, which will bring Republicans under the leadership of the majority. Mitch McConnell would greet.

First he wants Joe Biden his staff in White House to announce. Ron Klain is the favorite for the position of Chief of Staff, a role he has already held Biden exercised as Vice President. Congressman Cedric Richmond serves as Biden’s advisor and is also attached to a position in the White House. Biden’s election for ministries is expected to follow around Thanksgiving on November 26.

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