Coronavirus: The death toll has broken a world record


According to the “Worldometer” website, where current data on cases in countries and regions with Kovid-19 were collected, 1 million 289 thousand 753 people have died worldwide from the virus. While the number of cases has increased to 52 million 441 thousand 490, 36 million 677 thousand 509 people with the virus have recovered.

There are 14 million 474 thousand 228 patients whose treatments continue.

In the United States, where the majority of cases and deaths have been observed, Kovid-19 was detected in 10 million 708 thousand 728 people, 247 thousand 398 people died from the epidemic.

The death toll broke a worldwide record

According to information provided by Johns Hopkins University, the number of deaths globally has increased by 12,000, breaking the record on a daily basis.

While the loss of life in Spain has surpassed 40,000, Germany has announced the largest number of deaths since mid-April. Total global cases The daily record was broken with 146,149 cases in the US.

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In the last 24 hours, 22,000 950 new cases and 595 deaths have been recorded. This figure refers to those who died within 28 days of the positive Covid-19 test. The total number of coronavirus cases in the country exceeded 1.2 million. Since the start of the epidemic, the number of people who have been treated in hospital for Covid-19 has exceeded 185 thousand.

The number of deaths announced by the government includes only those who died within 28 days of the positive Covid-19 test. However, the figures obtained using two different calculation methods are much higher.

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The first of these involves the counting of those whose death registration papers are registered as cause of death, even if the deceased is not tested. According to this calculation, as of October 23, this number has exceeded 60 thousand.

The second is based on the figure expressed as “additional deaths” and achieved by comparing the deaths in this period of the year with the average of the last five years. The number of deaths in these months usually increases compared to the other months. However, official statistics point out that the death rate in the second wave of the epidemic has increased compared to the average of the last five years.

India, China and South Korea

While the number of cases and deaths continues to decline in India, one of the countries most affected by the new type of coronavirus epidemic, is controlled in China and the daily increase in South Korea is over 100.

According to the Indian Ministry of Health, the number of people who died due to Kovid-19 has risen to 128,000 121 with the death of another 550 in the country.

47 thousand 905 new cases of Kovid-19 have been detected in the country in the last 24 hours and the total number of cases has increased to 8 million 683 thousand 916. So far 8 million 66 thousand 501 people have healed.

According to the “Worldometers” website, where the Kovid-19 data was collected, India is the second country with the highest number of cases in the world and the third country with the highest number of deaths from the virus.


According to the Chinese National Health Commission statement, 15 new cases of Kovid-19 have been detected in mainland China in the past 24 hours. While the only case of domestic origin was detected in the city of Tianjin, cases from abroad were detected in Shanghai, Sichuan, Shensi, Tianjin, Inner Mongolia, Fujian and Guangdong. There has been no loss of life in the country in the past 24 hours due to Kovid-19, the total number of cases has increased to 86,000 299. In China, where Kovid-19 appeared, 4,000 634 people have died from the virus, 81 thousand 252 people have recovered.

– South Korea

According to the South Korean Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 143 new cases of Kovid-19 have been identified in the country in the last 24 hours, 128 of which of domestic origin. Thus, the daily increase in cases in the country was again over 100. In the country where the total number of cases rose to 27,000 942, no one has died from Kovid-19 in the past 24 hours. In South Korea, 487 people have died from the virus so far.

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