Trump criticizes his own government and Pfizer for not announcing the vaccine sooner



The President of the United States, Donald TrumpOn Monday he criticized Pfizer and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), an agency of his own government, for failing to announce the drug’s vaccine results earlier.

“The FDA and the Democrats didn’t want me to get a WIN in vaccines before the election, so it came out five days later. As I’ve always said! Trump said in a series of tweets that he has not yet acknowledged his electoral defeat.

Criticism of the announcement

“If Joe Biden were president, they wouldn’t have the vaccine for another four years, nor would the FDA approve it that quickly. The bureaucracy would have destroyed millions of lives! ”He said.

The FDA, the regulatory body, is part of the Department of Health and is led by Commissioner Stephen Hahn, appointed by Trump.

“As I have long said, Pfizer and the others (pharmaceutical companies) would only announce the vaccine after the election. This is because they didn’t have the courage to do it before. Also, the FDA should have announced it sooner, not for political purposes, but to save lives! “He added.

Trump then seemed to take credit for Pfizer’s success, which on Monday announced that its covid-19 vaccine is 90% effective, above what U.S. regulators demand, which promises swift emergency clearance for its. implementation. publicly available, something that could happen before the end of this year.

Although Pfizer and the Trump administration have signed a contract for the future purchase of 100 million doses of the vaccine for $ 1.95 billion, the pharmaceutical company has not received public funding to develop it, as others like Moderna and AstraZeneca have. .

This morning, Trump’s vice president Mike Pence also seemed to take credit for the success of Pfizer’s trials.

“BIG NEWS: Thanks to the public-private partnership forged by President Trump, Pfizer announced that its coronavirus vaccine trial is EFFECTIVE, preventing 90 percent of its volunteers from getting infected,” Pence said.

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