And now, what will happen to the Trump clan? A saga for companies in difficulty, reality shows and hypotheses 2024


Will the Trump family be unemployed? Joe Biden’s victory in the US election means that, in January 2021, it will not be just Donald Trump who will have to leave the White House: all the members of the clan who have also served in the President’s administration in the past four years, including his daughter. . Ivanka and her son-in-law Jared Kushner. In addition to these, the democratic process could also impact the children Donald left behind from presidential residence: Donald Jr. and Eric have been at the head of the Trump Organization for the past four years, and it is not certain that the life of the company will remain. the same after Trump says goodbye to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC.

On Saturday, Eric Trump, Donald’s third son and a spokesman for his father’s company, did not answer the question of what the president’s plans were for his business after he left the White House. Trump claimed he lost “between $ 3 billion and $ 5 billion” in business for his company because he won the US presidency. At the time, he refused to sell the company, choosing to put it in a “trust fund”: a trust fund which, he guaranteed, would eliminate any conflict of interest between public office and private interest – which would be fair, if the fund was not in the hands of his children.

The Trump Organization is not having a good time: over the past year it has given up building a new hotel line, and a recent New York Times investigation showed that, despite recording revenues of $ 446 million in 2019, the current position Trump had a negative effect on the company’s financial health.

“We have made huge sacrifices in recent years, we have faced more scrutiny than anyone would have imagined and yet we remain in top form,” he wrote in a statement to the Trump Organization, in response to a Times article analyzing the challenge that Trump will face ahead to revitalize the company. This is not to forget that in the next four years you will have to pay a total of $ 300 million in loans, bonds for which you are personally responsible.

The Chicago Tribune points out that “the fastest way” the company needs to keep fit – that is, overcoming financial woes – will be to turn back to the international real estate market: that is, by licensing hotels and other buildings under the name “Trump “- thus capitalizing on the popularity of the still President, as it was before 2016. The method has no risk: there is no need to build or invest a cent, and each agreement is worth between 500 thousand and one million dollars for the casse business, says the newspaper. However, the pandemic has violently attacked the real estate and hospitality sectors and this could be reflected in the business of the star of “The Apprentice” – indeed, Trump’s tax returns show that television has played a decisive role. fresh money comes into your hands and the Times speculates that the current president may return to the small screen to make a living.

One thing is certain: more or less healthy, Trump’s society will continue to be investigated by justice in the future. Prosecutors in New York continue to search for evidence to prove potential financial crimes committed by the company: the company is suspected of intentionally holding sub-assets to obtain tax breaks and loans. The organization denies any wrongdoing.

Ivanka: race for the presidency or prime time program?

Then there’s Ivanka, Trump’s White House adviser on issues like education and gender equality for the past four years. In July, he gave the following advice to the American unemployed: “I suggest they visit the website. Now, as a result of covid, people unfortunately need to learn new skills. “It is still unclear whether Ivanka will follow her own advice and try to” get something new “.

At 39, her work experience is closely linked to her father’s activities and her “independent” project no longer exists: the clothing brand she owned closed its doors in 2018. At the time, Ivanka explained the closure with ” the work I’m doing here in Washington, ”but the previous year her fashion lines had been abandoned by the giant chain stores Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom. The reason? Bad sales.

There is no fashion, but there is (always) television. The Guardian recalls that the magic box has turned members of the Trump family into superstars and a Washington mandate won’t change that. The newspaper quotes the magazine “OK! Magazine “, which ensures that the family has received” many offers for reality shows “- and that Ivanka has been specially interviewed.” It shouldn’t be surprising that the children are back on television, just as it is not surprising that Ivanka is the family member who has the largest number of offers, including [programa] “Dancing with the Stars”, the magazine wrote, ending with a statement from a friend of the former model: “She could have her prime-time show on cable if she wants to.”

The alternative? The Presidency. In recent days, speculations have increased about Ivanka’s possible presidential run in 2024: she has a good media presence and is seen as having a more progressive political vision than her father. On the other hand, a recent poll conducted for “The Independent” shows that American voters reject the idea of ​​a dynasty: 61% do not want Ivanka to try to be president in 2024 and the same wish applies to Donald Jr., the older brother and current executive vice president of the Trump Organization. Among Trump supporters, the percentage is lower but equally significant: 31%.

Jared Kushner, Ivanka’s husband and Trump’s son-in-law, was another family member who has taken a prominent position over the past four years as the president’s senior adviser. Now, behind the scenes, she has been one of the most active voices in advising Trump to stick to the election results and prepare an exit strategy. When a decision is made and the switch takes place, Jared will be able to return to the working life he had before arriving at the White House: he had followed in his father’s footsteps and also became an investor in the real estate market, as well as being the owner of the newspaper “Observer ”, Which he left in the hands of his brother-in-law in 2017.

According to the Politico news site, Jared is not alone in trying to persuade the president to leave his post without a bang: he shares that responsibility with Melania, Trump’s discreet wife. However, the family is divided: on the other side are the sons of the millionaire. Donald Jr. has already rebelled on Twitter against the democratic process – “70 million Republicans are wrong and there is still a city on fire” – and incitement to violence seems to show that his father’s strategy of questioning election results is fair.

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