Russia says Sputnik-V is safe, after Pfizer and BioNTech announce the effectiveness of the Covid vaccine


The announcement was made from Moscow on the same day Pfizer and BioNTech reported that the vaccine they had developed was 90% effective. According to the manufacturers, the analysis shows a much better performance than most experts and those involved in the project had hoped. The two corporations say the first doses will be given to health professionals later this year.

“We are responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the Sputnik-V vaccine among citizens who received it as part of the mass testing program,” said Oksana Drapkina, director of the research institute of the Russian Ministry of Health, quoted by hotnews .
“The effectiveness of the vaccine is also over 90%, according to our observations. The emergence of a new effective vaccine is good news for everyone,” he added.

The announcement of the two companies was also welcomed by the Director of the Gamaleya Institute in Moscow, Alexandr Gintsburg.
“We plan to publish interim test results in the near future after the approval of the Sputnik-V, the so-called phase III test. I am sure its effectiveness will also be high,” he said.

Russia was the first country to introduce a Covid vaccine for approval for use by the general public. The international community has expressed reservations about the efficacy and safety of the vaccine, as it has not been sufficiently tested.

Russia is currently the fifth most affected country in the world by a pandemic, with a record of more than 1.79 million infections and 30,793 deaths.

Read also: “The EU is ready to purchase millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech”


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