This agreement is our glorious victory


Azerbaijanis celebrate the signing of the declaration ending the occupation of Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh in the streets. In Ganja, the second largest city in the country, people celebrated for the regions liberated from the Armenian occupation. (Arif Hüdaverdi Yaman – Anadolu Agency)

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan is Armenia between Nagorno-Karabakh He reported that a ceasefire was declared at 00:00 Moscow time as part of the crisis deal.

Aliyev addressed the public about the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis.

Aliyev, stating that a joint declaration has been signed between Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia, read the articles of the declaration.

Aliyev said: “Kelbajar will be returned to Azerbaijan until November 15, the Aghdam region until November 20 and Lachin until December 1”. I speak.

“1960 Russian peacekeepers with small arms and 90 armored personnel vehicles will be deployed on the Nagorno-Karabakh line of contact and the Lachin corridor.” Aliyev said that Russian peacekeepers will remain in Nagorno-Karabakh for 5 years and that this period can be extended if the parties do not oppose.

Aliyev and the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, then thanking his support during the clash “In today’s statement, Russia and Turkey are part of a joint peacekeeping mission. We are creating a new format entirely related to the region in contact.” She said.

“Pashinyan signed the agreement thanks to Azerbaijan’s iron fist”

Stressing that the agreement meant the defeat of Armenia, Aliyev said: “Pashinyan signed the agreement not with his will, but with Azerbaijan’s iron fist.” found the rating.

Aliyev said: “The liberation of some 300 settlements since September 27 has broken the back of the Armenian army.” She said.

“This agreement is our glorious victory”

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev gave a speech to the nation and assessed the ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Armenia starting at 00:00 (Turkish time) tonight.

Affirming that “the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan ended today”, Aliyev said the tripartite agreement will be “the last step” in solving the problem.

Aliyev said that according to the agreement, military operations have stopped and Azerbaijan and Armenia would remain in the positions they controlled.

Aliyev said the Aghdam province, which is under the occupation of Armenia, will be returned by November 20, and Kelbajar will be handed over to Azerbaijan until November 15 and Lachin until December 1.

Aliyev said that in Nagorno-Karabakh, 1960 lightly armed soldiers and 90 armored vehicles of the Russian peacekeepers will be deployed on the line of contact and in the Lachin corridor, and that Russian peacekeepers will settle in the region depending on the withdrawal. of the Armenian army.

Stating that the Russian peacekeepers will remain here for 5 years, Aliyev informed that if the parties do not object 6 months in advance, the period will automatically be extended by 5 years.

Aliyev said that a mechanism will be established to monitor the parties’ compliance with the ceasefire and that a new road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia is planned in the next 3 years.

Stating that the immigrants will return to their homes and that the prisoners and corpses will be replaced, Aliyev noted that all economic links and transport links in the region will be re-established and the transport corridor between the western provinces of Azerbaijan and the Republic will be opened. Autonomous of Nakhchivan.

Aliyev stressed that the agreement is of historical importance: “We should have signed the three presidents together with the videoconferencing method. But at the last moment the Prime Minister of Armenia refused. It is understandable because this agreement means the military defeat of the country. “Armenia. Pashinyan will sign this agreement in a place away from cameras, coward. He does not sign with his will. He signs it with our iron fist. This agreement is our glorious victory.” She said.

Affirming that the military achievements of the Azerbaijani army in recent days have played an important role in signing the agreement, Aliyev said: “The liberation of some 300 settlements since September 27 has broken the back of the Armenian army. Pashinyan had to sign. this agreement. But it is in a very miserable and deplorable situation. I signed my signature with great pride and joy, because this agreement puts an end to the occupation that has lasted for many years. ” used expressions.

Aliyev congratulated the inhabitants of the regions freed from occupation and all the Azerbaijani people for the results achieved.

Aliyev stressed that all the martyrs and victims of Khojaly have been greatly avenged and said that the whole world sees the Azerbaijani people as an invincible and strong-willed people.

“Turkey is officially in the future and will play a role in resolving this conflict, ceasefire compliance work”

Aliyev said he knew that Armenia signed the agreement not with good intentions, but that Azerbaijan would continue its operations if it did not, and said: “A new control mechanism will be applied here. Article 5 of the agreement, it is written that a peacekeeping center will be established in order to increase the control efficiency of the parties to the ceasefire. Turkish troops will operate. Turkey has formally taken part in this conflict of settlement future and a ceasefire respected work. I appreciate the efforts of my brother Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Why they spend so much effort they are resolved through peace issues during these 45 days. Conflict these two leaders have had a positive role in the end. This is also the format of cooperation in the region to a large extent determines. Why relations between Turkey and Russia are level. Both countries s I’m our friends and neighbors, “he said.

Aliyev said the issue of providing a land transport network in Nakhichevan was agreed upon at his insistence and said, “A historic step has been taken to unite the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic with Azerbaijan’s main share by land.” .

Aliyev completed his speech as follows:

“There is not even a word about the status of Nagorno-Karabakh in this agreement. So where are Armenia’s demands. They were saying that Nagorno-Karabakh should gain independence. When I offered them autonomy, they didn’t. They accepted it. So what happened to Pashinyan? There is no status. I am the president. With this agreement, we have achieved a great political victory. Our military victory has played an important role in this political victory. We are proud of our army. I am happy to have signed this historic agreement. To our homeland, to our Karabakh, to Shusha, the crown of Karabakh. We will live forever in these lands. No one can take us out of that land from now on. . We proudly say that Fuzuli is ours, Gabriel is ours, the riches are ours, Gubadli is ours, Agdam is ours, Lachin is ours, Kelbajar is ours, Shusha is ours, Karabakh is ours. Karabakh is Azerbaijan, long life to the people of Aze rbaigian.

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