AB: We are delighted to be working with a US president who does not see us as adversaries.


Josep Borrell, European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said about the election of Joe Biden as the new president of the United States: “Pleased with the opportunity to work with a president of the United States United who does not see us as an enemy or who does not believe that the EU was established for the benefit of the United States. We feel. “He used the expression.

In his blog post, Borrell assessed relations between the EU and the United States after the presidential elections in the United States, recalling that there were celebrations across the country after the elections in which Joe Biden was elected president in the States. United, “This is no surprise since it is not a normal election.” shared his opinion.

Pointing out that many Europeans are satisfied with the election result in the US, Borrell noted that EU-US relations were complicated during Donald Trump’s presidency.

Affirming that the US is the EU’s most important ally and partner, Borrell continued as follows:

“We have a long history of collaborating based on shared values. So, once again, we are delighted to have the opportunity to work with a US president who does not see us as an opponent or believes the EU was created for the benefit. We are ready to do our part to improve cooperation. The EU. We must restart the “engine” to re-establish US cooperation. We must return to real dialogue, in particular, commit ourselves to formulating common strategies where possible and support them with resources “.

Borrell listed the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the Nuclear Agreement with Iran and the World Health Organization, which the US intends to reunite, as areas of close cooperation between the US and the EU.

Regarding bilateral trade and China’s challenges to unfair trading practices and security issues, Borrell said it is one of the issues to work on in the future.

“We hope to rely on the new US president’s firm commitment to the Alliance when it comes to the ‘deal’ for NATO and transatlantic security. But as many US administrations have pointed out, it will be a step forward for the Alliance. Europe in the game and in taking greater responsibility for its own security The United States would also appreciate a common European security and defense policy that has been funded and that allows Europe to address security threats, especially in its environment. It is also in our interest. “

Affirming that Europe should work to improve its strategic autonomy, Borrell said: “The past 4 years have opened our eyes. The Covid-19 epidemic has further underlined the need to ensure our security and address the our vulnerabilities by strengthening our strategic autonomy “. made his assessment.

Borrell, in foreign policy issues of common interest by collaborating with the United States by classifying it as the EU, Russia, Libya, the Middle East and North Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans and Turkey, stressed.


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