“The best news since January”: Science and the stock market cheer on the upcoming coronavirus vaccine


Will science soon succeed in the decisive blow against the coronavirus? After the positive news on Monday, the stock market in particular is cheering, even in Switzerland.

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Exchanges around the world have reacted positively to the announcement of the vaccine by Biontech and Pfizer.

Exchanges around the world have reacted positively to the announcement of the vaccine by Biontech and Pfizer.


Study participants' risk of contracting the coronavirus was more than 90% lower in the study than when they were not vaccinated.

The study participants’ risk of contracting the coronavirus was more than 90% lower in the study than in the study without vaccination.


“This is the first evidence that Covid-19 can be prevented by a vaccine in humans,” Biontech chief Ugur Sahin said.


The positive results in the development of a corona vaccine have given hope for a successful fight against the pandemic around the world. Scientists and stock brokers celebrated on Monday news from pharmaceutical companies Biontech and Pfizer that their vaccine candidate was demonstrating high efficacy and that they wanted to apply for approval in the United States in November. According to a first interim analysis of the pivotal study, the risk of contracting the coronavirus is more than 90% lower for vaccinated study participants than for those without vaccination. “This is the first evidence that Covid-19 can be prevented by a vaccine in humans,” Biontech chief Ugur Sahin told Reuters news agency.

Tourism stocks are gaining ground on the stock market

Biontech and Pfizer are the first companies in the world to have successfully submitted study data with a corona vaccine, which is critical for approval. This caused euphoria in stock markets around the world. Above all, the newspapers of airlines and tourism companies particularly affected by the pandemic have increased dramatically, the MSCI world index has set a record. Biontech’s shares gained around 30% in Frankfurt, Pfizer gained around 15% in the US.

The stock exchange was also happy in Switzerland. Immediately following the news from Pfizer and Biontech, the SNU climbed from 10,391 points to 10,588 points (plus 1.9 percent). The winner of the day among the standard values ​​was Richemont. Shares of the luxury goods company, which benefited from a good interim ratio on Friday, were up another ten percent. In tier two stocks, other heavily tourism-dependent stocks also increased even more significantly. Dufry earned over a fifth in value, Jungfraubahn 18%, and online travel agency Lastminute 17%.

“The best news from January”

“Today is a very special day for science and humanity,” said Pifzer boss Albert Bourla. “We are reaching this important milestone in our vaccination program at a time when the world needs a vaccine most, with the number of infections reaching new highs, hospitals reaching their limits and the economy trying to reopen.” .

The scientists agreed. “The efficacy data is truly impressive. This is better than most of us expected. I would be delighted with 70 or 75 percent efficacy, “said William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt Medical Center.” To be honest, this is the best news I’ve received since Jan.10, “said the virologist. Florian Krammer of the American Icahn School of Medicine.


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