These leaders did not congratulate Joe Biden


Future US President Joe Biden receives congratulations from around the world for winning the election. But not all heads of state agree.

Neither Putin nor Bolsonaro have yet congratulated US President-elect Joe Biden.

Neither Putin nor Bolsonaro have yet congratulated US President-elect Joe Biden.

Jorge William / Imago

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his British counterpart Boris Johnson were among the first to convey their congratulations to Joe Biden on Saturday for winning the presidential election. They were followed by dozens of presidents and prime ministers, but some important heads of state are missing from the list of supporters.

Vladimir Putin – Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet commented on Biden’s electoral victory, nor has Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Four years ago, however, after the US media proclaimed Donald Trump the winner of the election, Putin sent his congratulations to America within hours. A Kremlin spokesperson said on Monday they would wait for the official election results first. Additionally, it was noted Donald Trump’s announcement that he would take legal action against the outcome.

The Russian opposition Alexei Navalny reacted differently. On Twitter, he congratulated Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their victory in “free and fair elections”. This is a privilege not all states can enjoy, he wrote to Vladimir Putin.

Jair Bolsonaro – Brasilien

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro – often referred to as a “tropical Trump” – has not yet commented on the election result in America. Before the election, Bolsonaro had spoken out in favor of Trump’s re-election, his son Eduardo even had himself photographed wearing a cap with the words “Trump 2020”.

The president’s son, who also sits in the Brazilian parliament, even questions the validity of the elections on social networks. He also criticized American TV stations for failing to broadcast Trump’s press conference which talked about election fraud.

Xi Jinping – China

Chinese head of state Xi Jinping also did not comment on Biden’s election victory. A foreign ministry spokesman said Monday at the daily press conference in Beijing: “We have acknowledged that Biden has declared electoral victory.” He stressed that the outcome of the election would be determined according to American laws and procedures. There were no congratulations to Beijing’s democratic candidate.

This was China’s first reaction to the outcome of the US elections. Asked why Beijing was reluctant to comment, the spokesperson said they were simply following international customs.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador – Mexican

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador did not want to keep quiet about Biden’s electoral victory. However, he refuses to congratulate the president-elect of the northern neighbor, with whom Mexico shares a 3,000-kilometer border. He will send his congratulations only when all votes have been counted and all legal proceedings have been completed, López Obrador said.

“We don’t want to be reckless,” he told the media. So he can’t congratulate any of the candidates at the moment. However, he has good relations with both President Trump and Biden, whom he has known for decades.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants to wait with his congratulations.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants to wait with his congratulations.

Edgard Garrido / Reuters

Janez Jansa – Slovenia

Janez Jansa, Prime Minister of Slovenia, was one of the first to congratulate him, but his congratulations were addressed to Donald Trump. “It’s pretty clear that the American people elected Donald Trump and (Vice President) Mike Pence for another four years,” the right-wing politician wrote on Twitter the day after the election. Slovenia is the home country of Trump’s wife Melania. On Sunday, however, Jansa paddled a little back and wrote that nothing would change in the future, regardless of which party the American president belongs to.

Congratulations to Joe Biden were then passed on by Slovenian President Borut Pahor, who is not a member of Jansa’s party.

Andrzej Duda – Poland

Joe Biden also received congratulations from Polish President Andrzej Duda. However, he did not congratulate him on his election victory, but on his “successful presidential campaign”. The appointment of the constituency is now awaited, he wrote on Twitter.

Poland wants to maintain close cooperation between the two countries and thus strengthen the alliance of states. In Poland, Trump is popular, among other things, because he has visited the country several times.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan – Turkey

Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has so far said nothing about Joe Biden’s election victory. However, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay commented on this in an interview on Turkish television on Sunday. With Biden in the White House, relations between the “old allies” would not change, according to Oktay.

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