LAST MINUTE! Still no congratulations to Biden from 6 countries! news


The controversial presidential election in the United States is over. According to unofficial results, Democratic candidate Joe Biden won the election.

Although it has been more than 36 hours in a period of time that Biden’s announcement won the elections, from 6 countries to which Turkey has not yet posted a congratulatory message internally. While Ankara’s only statement on the matter came from Vice President Fuat Oktay, Oktay said that relations between the two countries are not about individuals and that existing channels in relations will continue to be used.

Some time before the election results were announced, Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu issued a similar statement.

Aside from these two statements, no announcements or congratulatory messages were posted by Ankara regarding the US election, while Brazil, Russia, China, Mexico and North Korea were the other countries that did not publish any congratulations, according to the news by Bloomberg.


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, often referred to as Brazilian Trump, had said he hoped Trump would win before the election. After the election, he said in a brief statement on November 7: “I am not the most important person in Brazil, just as Trump is not the most important person in the world.”


The Beijing administration, which issued a congratulatory message the first day after Trump’s 2016 election, was one of the administrations cautious about the US election. In the statements made by Beijing, attention was drawn to the judicial trials that will take place after the elections.

The Chinese government thinks the United States under Biden could increase pressure on Hong Kong and the Uighur Turks, and Washington will follow a policy of continuing to improve relations with Taiwan.


Mexican President Manuel Lopez Obrador said Saturday that he does not want to be hasty in congratulating Biden and will wait for the electoral process to end.

US President Donald Trump described his relationship with Obrador as “unbelievable,” though he often blamed the Mexican government for the wave of immigration from Central America.

Despite the Mexican government’s cautious stance, the Mexican peso gained value following the election results in anticipation that the Biden administration could create a more positive atmosphere for the export of Mexican products.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was a major beneficiary of the presidency of US President Donald Trump. During his presidency, Kim held summits with Trump three times, and there were reports in the American media that the two leaders had exchanged letters.

Not surprisingly, Pyongyang, with which Washington has had a tough relationship for many years, remains silent about the elections for a long time.


While we did not see a large-scale Trump-Putin summit for four years, it has been observed that there has been a softer process in relations between the two countries than in the past.

In 2016, many claims were made that Trump won the election with Putin’s help. During the Trump administration, Russia increased the breadth of its footprints in the Middle East, Ukraine and Eastern Europe, while Trump repeatedly refused to condemn Putin.

Finally, in the statement made by the Kremlin, it was stated that it would not be correct to comment before the election results became official and Trump’s statements that he would take the results to court were recalled.

US-Russia relations are expected to enter a more difficult period during the Biden period.

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