Biden plans these first steps to take over the government


“Ready from day one” – this is the promise of the new website of newly elected US President Joe Biden. And before officially taking office, the Democrat wants to raise the stakes: on Monday he wants to present an expert advice to contain the crown pandemic. Its goal is to launch an action plan to overcome the Crown crisis on the day of its inauguration, January 20. “I want everyone to know: We will put our plan to get the virus under control on our first day,” Biden said on Saturday night in his victory speech in his hometown of Wilmington.

The expert council is expected to gain dual leadership, Biden spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield told NBC News on Sunday. It should therefore be led by Vivek Murthy and David Kessler. Murthy served as the U.S. government’s medical director from 2014 to 2017, and Kessler previously headed the FDA’s Food and Drug Administration. They have been providing advice on the pandemic since March, Bedingfield said.

The pandemic and the economic consequences of the Corona crisis will likely be Biden’s biggest challenge at the start of his term. Biden promised voters to heed scientific recommendations to help contain the pandemic. Without defeating the virus, “we can’t fix the economy, restore momentum, or enjoy the best moments in life,” Biden said Saturday. All generations of a family should be able to meet again, birthday parties and weddings should be possible again, Biden asked. “He will spare no effort or commitment,” Biden promised.

The pandemic remains completely out of control in the United States, a country of approximately 330 million people. Local authorities recently reported an average of around 100,000 new infections per day. According to data from the University of Johns Hopkins, there have been 9.9 million confirmed infections and over 237,000 related deaths in the United States since the start of the pandemic. Biden accuses Trump of total failure in relation to the pandemic, accusing him of the deaths of thousands of Americans.

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The US media reported that Biden’s team is already planning a series of sentences on other policy areas that the president intends to sign soon after he is sworn in. Among other things, he is said to want to overturn some of Trump’s strict immigration rules and to bring about the return to the international climate protection agreement in Paris, as reported by the “New York Times”.

Trump will continue to govern until January 20

74-year-old Biden was declared the winner of Tuesday’s election by US media after a slow tally of votes on Saturday. Current President Donald Trump will continue to govern until January 20. Republican Trump, however, opposes the out-of-office vote after only one term and accuses Democrats of election fraud, without providing any concrete evidence. With the help of his lawyers, Trump hopes to avoid his defeat. However, the chances of success are extremely low.

Despite the dispute over the election result, many heads of state and government have already congratulated Biden, including Chancellor Angela Merkel and one of Trump’s closest allies to date, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The lone surviving former Republican president George W. Bush also congratulated Biden.

Merkel congratulated herself on the weekend

Merkel wants to make a statement on the outcome of the US elections in the Federal Chancellery in Berlin on Monday. Merkel had already congratulated Biden over the weekend, but did not comment on the incumbent president’s behavior.

In the United States it is common for presidential elections to be decided on the basis of big media predictions, usually on election night. The official results sometimes come much later. Due to the crown pandemic, millions of Americans voted by letter this year, which is why counting the votes took longer. The president of the United States is elected only indirectly by the people. The votes of the electors decide on the composition of the electoral college, which then elects the president in December.

The counting of votes continued in several states. Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina, and Alaska have not yet seen a winner. The first three states are likely to go relatively safe and sound to Biden, the second to Trump. (dpa)

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