American elections of 2020: this is what Biden’s government could be like


The most diverse U.S. government ever? This is what Biden’s government might look like

Joe Biden promised at the beginning of the campaign: “My government will look like America”. Diversity should therefore be the motto when the US president-elect assembles his team over the next two and a half months until the swearing-in on January 20.

For weeks there has been speculation about possible candidates for central ministries. Biden’s views should now be influenced by the fact that after Tuesday’s elections it has not yet been decided whether Democrats can count on a majority in the US Senate, something ministers need to confirm.

You can find the live ticker for the US election here.

Foreign Minister

SUSAN RICE (55) is a longtime political companion of Biden and Barack Obama. From 2009 to 2013 she was US Ambassador to the United Nations, after which she became National Security Advisor at the Obama White House. She did not make it to the post of Foreign Minister at the time: she gave up her ambitions after massive criticism from Republicans. They accused her of initially misinforming public opinion and downplaying the act of terrorism after an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Four US citizens, including the ambassador to Libya, were killed at the time.

Susan Rice. Image: EPA / EPA

Also suitable for post ANTONY FLASHING (58), who has long advised Biden on foreign policy matters. But he could also become a national security advisor. From 2009 to 2013, he was Biden’s National Security Advisor when he was Obama’s vice president. Other names are former Deputy Foreign Minister WILLIAM BURNS and senators CHRIS COONS is CHRIS MURPHY.

Ministry of Defence

Biden could put the first woman in charge of the Pentagon: MICHÈLE FLOURNOY (59) had previously been traded as a favorite to succeed then-outgoing Defense Minister Chuck Hagel in 2014, but did not take office at the time. Flournoy was Secretary of State at the Pentagon and advisor to former defense ministers Robert Gates and Leon Panetta.

Alternatively, Biden could be the Iraq veteran TAMMY DUCKWORTH (52) who lost her legs in action in 2004. After recovering, she became the veteran affairs minister in her home state of Illinois, for which she now sits in the Senate. She was born in Bangkok, her father was American, her mother was of Chinese descent from Thailand. Other names are JEH JOHNSON, a black lawyer who served as Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary, and the Senators CHRIS COONS is JACK REED.

Ministry of Finance

The Economist LAEL BRAINARD (58), born in Hamburg, is an expert in fiscal and monetary policy. He is currently one of the five directors of the Federal Reserve and has served as Secretary of State to the Treasury.

Lael Brainard. Image: keystone

Due to the possible Republican majority in the US Senate, which must confirm all ministers, the moderate Democrat is a more promising candidate than the senator, for example ELIZABETH WARREN (71), who had also applied for the presidential candidacy. Warren represents a leftist program. Another argument against her is that she should have given up her seat in the Senate, which could then be filled by the Republican.

Talking is also RAPHAEL BOSTICwho would be the gay and black prime minister of finance. He is currently chairman of the Atlanta Fed, one of the Federal Reserve’s regional banks. There has also been speculation about the former Deputy Treasury Secretary under Obama, SARAH BLOOM RASKIN, the former vice president of the Fed ROGER FERGUSON or former head of the central bank JANET YELLEN.

Ministry of Justice

With his loss in the race for his Senate seat, Biden became more likely DOUG JONES (66) is evaluating for the post. The Alabama Democrat has a close relationship with Biden and would be a credible figure when it comes to civil rights. His investigation as a prosecutor in Alabama led members of the racist Ku Klux Klan to be held accountable decades after a deadly bomb attack on a black church in 1963.

Doug Jones. Image: keystone

Other candidates for the post are considered SALLY YATES, who was United States Attorney General until January 2017, Federal Democratic Party President TOM PEREZ, son of immigrants from the Dominican Republic, or XAVIER BECERRA, who became the first Latin American to be sworn in as California Attorney General in 2017. (jaw / sda / dpa)

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