Joe Biden’s Victory Speech – The Party Report from Wilmington


8:38 pm, Wilmington, Delaware: thunderous applause, a sea of ​​US flags, and tens of thousands of supporters, many of whom are happily in each other’s arms. President-elect Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden, Jr. (77) runs onto the stage, his face hidden behind a protective mask. The chants “Joey, Joey, Joey” accompany the 46th president elect of the United States of America in the last few meters to the microphone. Exactly 48 years ago, Biden was celebrated here in his hometown of Wilmington – at that time he was elected to the Senate for the state of Delaware. Now, this Saturday night, things are back to square one. The small celebration becomes a big celebration, despite the crown pandemic.

In the audience, Ed Weirauch (60) listens to Biden’s words, with tears streaming down his cheeks. “This is my president!” He says with a sob after Biden greets his supporters with a beam and a nod. “This is one of the best days of my life. I’m so proud of Joe, ”Weirauch says emotionally.

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