US President Donald Trump’s campaign team prepares to contest presidential election results in some US states.
“The state of Wisconsin is about to recount,” Bill Stepien told The New York Times.
“If we count all the valid votes, the president wins the election. We believe the president can win if all the legally cast votes are counted,” said Bill Stepien.
Donald Trump’s campaign team considers the projections broadcast by Fox News and Associated Press about the result in Arizona, where Joe Biden would have won, “totally wrong”.
Jen O’Malley Dillon, head of Joseph Biden’s campaign team, said the former vice president will address the nation on Wednesday evening. “At some point today, we expect the former vice president to address the American people,” said Jen O’Malley Dillon.
Joe Biden makes small differences in these states, which could get him another 32 votes in Federal Electoral College. Joe Biden is already credited, according to Fox News projections, with 238 votes in Federal Electoral College, and Donald Trump, with 213. Election results are also expected in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia.
According to CNN projections, Joseph Biden is credited with 224 votes at Federal College and Donald Trump with 213.
Joseph Biden’s campaign team also said they were ready for a legal dispute over the outcome of the presidential election.
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