LinkedIn lists the blockchain developers as best emerging work


The developer Blockchain has been ranked as the number one on LinkedIn's list of emerging jobs for 2018.

The recently published LinkedIn report, which places blockchain development at the top, shows 33-fold growth in the number of blockchain developers, 12x growth in machine learning engineers, 8x growth in application sales managers and 6-fold growth in specialists of machine learning and professional medical representatives.

Guy Berger, LinkedIn chief economist, said growth can also be seen in data science roles as the industry is expanding and is developing more specialized roles.

Berger said: "It is not surprising that we are witnessing an explosion of machine learning roles and the continued growth of data science roles, and we have indeed begun to see this reflected in last year's report; both camps are starting to see more specialized roles emerge, and you might not be surprised if Blockchain Developer is at the top of the list after increasing this year's interest in blockchain and cryptocurrency. "

According to the report, the United States has a strong demand for blockchain professionals – especially in San Francisco, Atlanta and New York City. Organizations like Chainyard, ConsenSys and IBM have most of the job listings in the country. Among the job offers of blockchain developers, the most desirable skills include the knowledge of the Solidity programming language, blockchain, Ethereum, cryptocurrency and the open source JavaScript node.js.

Although the 2018 year was a bright year for blockchain developers, it is noteworthy that they did not mention the profession in the previous year's LinkedIn relationship. Regarding the job roles of machine learning engineer, insurance personnel and sales development representative, they made the list again despite significant growth in 2017.

It is also important to note that despite being in a brutal bearish market, blockchain developers are still at the top of LinkedIn's list of emerging jobs, suggesting a positive future.

It is expected that Blockchain will be a long-standing trend in the labor market in 2019.

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