98% of Providencia’s infrastructure would have suffered damage from Iota, the government confirms


Photo: Presidency of the Republic
Photo: Presidency of the Republic

President Iván Duque confirmed on Monday that he was finally able to communicate with the mayor of Providencia, who confirmed that 98% of the island’s infrastructure would be affected by the passage of Hurricane Iota and that there would be at least one mortal victim.

“We are faced with a fact that has characteristics never seen in our country, first in the space of a few hours it went from a tropical storm to a category 5 hurricane, the highest category, and it is the first time in history that has reached ours the country has been a type 5 hurricane for as long as there are records, ”said the head of state.

He added that the work was done as much as possible in San Andrés but that “in the case of Providencia we had very poor communication due to the effects on the telecommunications system. We know there could be a big impact and that is why we have deployed all the response capabilities starting with the entire logistics capacity of the San Andrés Risk Management, with our Navy, our Air Force, our Army, to have the ability to arrive quickly “.

For his part, the president said in a press conference that “there is a 98% deterioration” on the island of Providencia and that, so far, a human life has been lost.

“Mayor Gari Hooker is doing an obstacle clearance on some of the main roads and we are working to clean the El Embrujo airport runway,” he also said.

For his part, he added that he reiterated to the mayor of San Andrés that “this is a significant impact and we are aware that for the first time in the history of our country we are witnessing a Category 5 hurricane hitting our territory”.

“We are by your side, Mr. Mayor, and by the entire community of Providencia” and “We will recover all the infrastructure as soon as possible,” he said.

He also specified that “We must arrive quickly and inspect the single register of victims, collect all the information on structural damage and with the whole team of the national government we can carry out the reactivation plan for this region”.

“We are going to move forward with this forward command post right now and will distribute rescue kits and provide water and vital items,” the president added.

He concluded by saying that “we will provide rapid and periodic information” and that the director of Ideam will work in Providencia with Mayor Gari Hooker “.

“We hope that the weather conditions will improve over the next few hours and that we can be present tomorrow.” He said that “Today a Navy ship with humanitarian equipment will sail from Cartagena and we have the entire team of the National Police, the Civil Protection, the National Navy and the Army working together.

Photo: REUTERS / Wilmer López
Photo: REUTERS / Wilmer López

For his part, Iván Duque has assured that he is able to communicate with the mayor of Providencia, Norberto Gari, and that he has assured him that, so far, one death and 98% of damage to the island’s infrastructure have been confirmed.

The identity of the deceased has not been confirmed. The president warned that the information was only partial and that information on the situation on the island will be expanded later.

“We ask for the solidarity of the private sector and all citizens so that we can plan this situation together,” he said.

Among the latest communications that took place with the island, some inhabitants of Providencia reported winds exceeding 100 kilometers per hour, flooding in some sectors and the loss of the roofs of some houses. Moreover, at that time there was only a material loss.

On Sunday the National Meteorological Service reported that the hurricane, which is heading towards Nicaragua and Honduras, has strengthened and moved to category 5, with sustained winds of 135 knots (250 km / h), gusts up to 155 knots. (287 km / h). h).

The eye of the hurricane is estimated to be less than 10 kilometers from Providencia.

You can also read:

President Duque announces that he will be in San Andrés as soon as possible. “This is the first time a Category 5 hurricane has hit the country”

In the video: the passage of Hurricane Iota through the island of San Andrés

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