2020 US elections: Trump’s speech upsets the USA! Stunned republicans, TV star close to tears – “fascist”


In a 17-minute speech, Trump lashed out at election “fraud” and spread false information. The friends of the party go too far. Memorable scenes follow on TV.

Washington DC – Already on election night Donald Trump he prematurely declared his electoral victory. On Thursday, the incumbent US president caused another scandal: In a 17-minute speech at the White House, he again claimed, without presenting any evidence, that the election result was a “fraud” by the Democrats.

Trump scares the US with an election speech: “Full of lies”

Previously, Trump hadn’t spoken for two days and instead on Twitter infuriated – which climate activist Greta Thunberg also scoffed at. The short message service is increasingly providing tweets with warnings. The social network Facebook also proceeds in a similar way. Even before the first polling stations closed, the President of the United States he proclaims: “Winning is easy. Losing is never easy. Not for me. During his performance he showed how serious he is with this statement. “If you count the legal votes, I win easily,” Trump said and spoke of “horror stories”.

But the echo was once again clear enough: a brief “full of lies” statement was the appearance, writes the New York Times. Even more drastic than the reaction of the critical newspaper Trump several US TV channels. The explanation, peppered with unsubstantiated claims, went too far for the channels, not just in view of the current interim results.

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ABC, NBC is CBS not only did it stop broadcasting, but corrected Trump or made it clear that they believed his quote was wrong. “We have to stop now as the president makes a series of false claims,” ​​he said NBC– Journalist Lester Holt. Connect Dana Bash’s CNN he was also horrified: “It’s not just dangerous. It does not make sense “. Trump’s attempts to discredit the postal vote would have paved the way for this moment, he judged.

But not only the broadcasters reacted irritated to the appearance of Trump. The White House scenes have sparked numerous reactions across the country. Also by the Republicans. “Counting every vote is at the heart of a democracy,” the party said Senator Mitt Romney on Twitter. In recent days, friends of Trump’s party had distanced themselves from the president’s statements.

He made an emotional appearance Stephen Colbert in its national respect “Late Show “. Close to tears, he commented on Trump’s appearance in the White House: “Donald Trump worked hard to destroy something tonight.” Colbert openly admitted in his speech that he didn’t expect it would hit him that hard: “We all knew he would do something like that. What I didn’t know is that it would hurt me so much. I didn’t expect it to break my heart. ”

Colbert named Trump one in the multiple split sequence “Fascists” – and classified the presidential speech as evidence of Trump’s electoral defeat.

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Adam Kinzinger, Republican and for the state of Illinois in the House of Representatives, called Trump’s speech “insane”. He wrote on Twitter: “We want every vote to be counted.” He said if Trump really had any indication that electoral manipulation was taking place, he should present evidence and not spread disinformation.

Larry Hogan, the Republican Governor of Texas *, he also found harsh words for Trump’s behavior. He tweeted: “There is no defense for the president’s comments tonight that undermine our democratic process. America counts the votes and we must respect the results, as we always have. No choice or person is more important than our democracy “.

Another protagonist republican failed to issue a statement on Trump’s harshly criticized appearance in the White House. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, refused media requests. Meanwhile, the Democratic and US presidential candidate had done so Joe Biden * stressed in his speech that democracy “sometimes requires a little patience”

We will keep you updated on the further progress of the US election in our news ticker. * Merkur.de is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

Rubriklistenbild: © Brendan Smialowski / AFP

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