2020 US Elections: Trump’s Dirty Fight for Georgia


The former Republican bastion just fell into the hands of Joe Biden. Trump doesn’t want to leave him like this. And instigate a guerrilla war with the highest electoral supervisor. A Republican.

Brad Raffensperger, Republican and top election overseer in Georgia, is unpopular with his party supporters these days.

Brad Raffensperger, Republican and top election overseer in Georgia, is unpopular with his party supporters these days.

Republican Brad Raffensperger is more of a balancing act. Which is apparently a vital quality these days. As Secretary of State, he is the elected election overseer for the state of Georgia. The race was close there. Joe Biden leads after the first tally with just 14,000 votes ahead of incumbent Donald Trump. That’s why the roughly five million votes are counted again by hand. The result should be available by Friday. So far there is no indication that anything will change in the outcome. Biden wins Georgia and 16 additional votes for the constituency.

In a normal presidential election, that would be the end of the story. Especially since Biden has already won the elections even without Georgia. But this is an election with Donald Trump participating. And he and his supporters are apparently not at all happy with the result in Georgia’s former Republican bastion.

Troubled relationship between Republicans

What bizarre consequences it has, Raffensperger revealed to the Washington Post on Monday. He has received threats, mainly from Republicans. A message said to him, “You shouldn’t get this recount wrong. Your life depends on it. “Trump repeatedly questions the legality of the recount on Twitter without any basis. He calls them” fake “because his people are not allowed to check the signatures of postal voters. In a tweet he calls Raffensperger a” so-called Republican. “

Trump sent a guard dog to Georgia with Republican Congressman Doug Collins. So far he has not been able to reverse Trump’s defeat. The relationship between Collins and Raffensperger is disturbed. Raffensperger calls Trump’s envoy a “liar” and a “charlatan”. Collins, on the other hand, criticizes Raffensperger for “incompetence”. He “capitulated” to the Democrats.

Anyone in Georgia who votes by post must leave their signature on one of the required envelopes for this purpose. This is compared with the signature that is filed with the authorities. This ensures that the vote comes from a person entitled to vote. But sometimes the signatures don’t match. Voters in Georgia can then prove their identity later. Trump thinks this is at least unconstitutional.

Raffensperger now reports that he was asked to discard legal votes as well.

Trump’s camp demand so far has been: every legal vote must be counted. Raffensperger now reports that he has been asked to refuse even legal votes. Last Friday he phoned Senator Lindsey Graham, loyal to Trump, of South Carolina. She asked him if it was not in Raffensperger’s power to discard all the postal ballots in constituencies where there were too many signatures that they could not. be clearly assigned. When asked about it, Graham called the accusation “ridiculous”.

The vast majority of Georgia’s postal voters also voted for Joe Biden. This is why Trump and his people seemingly seek their salvation by having as many votes as possible declare invalid. Trump’s lawyers in Atlanta filed a lawsuit on Friday to postpone the election certification until all signatures have been matched.

Trump’s attempt to attack the elections in Georgia does not end with his criticism of the handling of signatures. Now it also queries the counting software.

Conspiracy tales about software companies

In Georgia, as in 27 other states, software from the Canadian company Dominion is used. So far, two irregularities have been documented in this election: In Michigan, a responsible person in a constituency has failed to install a software update. In Georgia, 2,600 votes were found on a memory stick that apparently were not broadcast.

For Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani, this is proof enough to spread wild conspiracy stories about the Dominion company. Domination is in the hands of the “radical left” with close contacts with Antifa, Venezuela and China, he said on Sunday. The company denied the allegations.

Brad Raffensperger has warned against the attack on voting software now. They will soon be urgent when there are two ballots for Georgia’s two seats in the US Senate on January 5. “People might raise their arms and say, ‘Why vote?'” Raffensperger fears. Which is more likely to hurt Republican candidates.

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