2020 US Elections – Trump Fires Election Oversees – News


2020 US elections – Trump fires election supervisors – News – SRF

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  • Donald Trump continues to refuse to acknowledge his defeat. The incumbent US president fired a key head of the Homeland Security Department for publicly denying allegations of alleged election fraud.
  • Newly elected president Joe Biden puts his team together. On day one of his tenure, he wants to reverse various Trump policy decisions. The fight against the crown pandemic is particularly important to him. He wants to avoid large blocks through targeted measures.
  • At the end of last week, the last remaining states were counted. Georgia goes to Biden, North Carolina to Trump. Biden wins the election with 306 voters, Trump has 232.
  • The Democrats defend their majority in the House of Representatives. Which party will have the majority in the Senate will be decided in a second ballot for the two Senate seats in Georgia in January.
  • All results at a glance
  • All news and basic information are available at srf.ch/usa2020.

The ticker starts at 6:20 am

  • 6:48

    Trump fires head of authorities after opposing election fraud

    US President Donald Trump is firing Chris Krebs, a senior employee of the Department of Homeland Security. Trump justified on Twitter that Krebs had made highly inaccurate statements about the security of the presidential election. Krebs announced last week that the November 3 elections were the safest in US history. Even a good two weeks after the presidential election, Donald Trump has not admitted his defeat.

  • 6:42

    The most important of the past day

    • The United States Senate approved the nomination of a controversial candidate by President Donald Trump for the Federal Reserve Fed initially blocked. The House of Congress voted 50-47 against Judy Shelton.
    • US President Donald Trump has the Withdrawal of additional US troops up Afghanistan and Iraq organized.
    • Joe Biden introduced other members of his team to the White House. The former Democrat campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dillon, to become deputy chief of staff, the member of Congress Cedric Richmond he should take the position of a high-ranking consultant, Biden announced.

    Read more about events in the United States here.

Sources: SRF and agencies

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