2020 US Elections – Further Setbacks for Donald Trump – News


2020 US elections – further setbacks for Donald Trump – News – SRF

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  • Trump’s lawyers use crude theories to deny the outcome of the presidential election. So – among other things provided by the Venezuelan Communists – manipulated software He helped Biden win.
  • A Verify confirms Joe Biden as the winner of the elections in the US state Georgia. According to those responsible, his lead over incumbent Donald Trump is 12,284 votes.
  • The end of last week is with Georgia is North Carolina the last remaining states have been counted. Biden wins the election with 306 voters, Trump has 232.
  • The Democrats defend their majority in the House of Representatives. Which party will have the majority in the Senate will be decided in a second ballot for the two Senate seats in Georgia in January.
  • All results at a glance
  • All news and basic information are available at srf.ch/usa2020.

The ticker starts at 6:23 am

  • 7:43

    New stimulus package: Biden puts pressure on parliamentarians

    US President-elect Joe Biden and the Democrat leadership in Congress have come out in favor of adopting another corona stimulus package later this year. Biden, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer agree on this, according to a statement from the elected president on Friday night. The package is expected to be approved by the current Congress with the support of both sides.

    The new legislature will start only in January. Until then, former MPs and senators can continue to rule on the laws, even if some have been eliminated.

    However, it was unclear whether there would actually be an economic stimulus package. Democrats and Republicans had been fighting for another aid package for months before the election. The Democrats, who control the House of Representatives, recently envisioned a package worth over US $ 2 trillion. Meanwhile, Republican leaders said they could foresee a limited package of around $ 500 billion.

  • 7:40

    More setbacks for Trump

    The current US president suffered further setbacks Friday in his bid to overturn the presidential election.

    Georgia authorities also declared Democrat Joe Biden the winner in the state after the second count. In Nevada, Judge Gloria Sturman rejected an injunction from Trump’s campaign team to stop certifying the results. He spoke of a “shocking proposal”.

    Additionally, several Republicans recently took sides openly in Congress against the president’s efforts to challenge Biden’s victory, declared by US data providers and media. Senator Lamar Alexander called on the government to start the transition period. Michigan Rep Fred Upton said no one had presented evidence on the election fraud allegations in his state. Senator Susan Collins and her colleagues Dan Sullivan and Mitt Romney were also critical.

    A republican strategy spoke of a snowball effect in the party: “In reality, Republicans are opening a new chapter everywhere” when it comes to the Trump presidency.

  • 7:26

    The most important of the night

    • Joe Biden turned 78 yesterday, Friday. In exactly two months he will be the oldest president in US history and will replace Ronald Reagan. Reagan was 77 years and 349 days old when he left the White House in 1989.
    • According to insiders, US President Donald Trump’s campaign team relies on the intervention of the parliaments of individual states to overturn the result of the presidential elections. Primarily Republican state lawmakers in Pennsylvania and Michigan must be summoned to directly determine the respective electorate and in favor of Trump. This is reported by Reuters, citing people familiar with the process.

    You can read more news about the crown crisis of the night and yesterday here.

Sources: SRF and agencies

SRF 4 News, 19.11.2020, 17:00

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