Monthly Archives: August 2018

Blockchain for Identity: too good to be true?

[ad_2][ad_1] I went to the DMV last week and the visit took place as one would expect: a lot of paper forms and waiting on wooden benches. The place is a technology distortion and maybe it's not a big deal – after all, you have to go there every 5 …

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SEC warns of the IRA fraud warning, cryptocurrency

[ad_2][ad_1] 1. Find a good keeper . The main investment companies, such as Fidelity Investments, will not allow alternative investments as an underlying asset in an IRA. But Wolverton states that the vast majority of those working in the self-directed sector of IRA are honest. You can find them by …

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The minds of the Blockchain social network migrate to Ethereum

[ad_1] Blockchain-based social network Minds is migrating its platform to the ethereum network, the announcement announced on Monday. After about four and a half months on his Rinkeby test network, the start will move on to ethereum for his full live launch. The company claims to provide a censorship-resistant social …

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How Blockchain can help with health care patient matching problems

[ad_2][ad_1] Blockchain. The technology of distributed accounting books has a considerable promise in the health sector and, as often happens with emerging technologies, it is hailed as something like a cure for everything. From cybersecurity to electronic medical records and data interoperability, to provide chain and clinical studies, including patient …

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