If the train fails, it is annoying for many travelers. However, we usually understand these exceptional situations. But the new Appenzeller Bahnen trains are now again for the third time on a matter of quiet days. The reason given by the Stadtpolizei St.Gallen is a mistake in the catenary network which, according to current knowledge, has been activated by the Appenzeller Bahnen (AB) trains.
"The flaw in the catenary network is also the VBSG," says Roman Kohler, spokesman for Stadtpolizei St.Gallen. However, public transport companies could have resumed normal operation after a short period of time after the passage of the network by St.Galler Stadtwerke.
Experts suspect that the Appenzeller Bahnen trains on the road from Trogen to St. Gallen produce overvoltage. "This overvoltage results in a voltage drop and ends in a power outage," says Thomas Baumgartner, director of Appenzeller Bahnen. The problem has always been in the moat, since the voltage from 1500 to 600 volts changes. According to Baumgartner, it is clear that the problems with Tango's various moves are the result of an interruption of the train. The exact cause is not yet clear. The disturbance was around 6 am and continues.
train problem
According to Baumgartner, no similar incident has occurred in recent months. But the Tango trains have already made several titles: only two weeks after the trains were put into service last October, they had to undergo repairs. Reason: in four of the seven Stadler trains wheel wear was higher than expected.
Even noise complaints have gone to various municipalities of Appenzell due to the new tangos. So it is said that the trains robbed the inhabitants of their sleep because of their "screaming curve".
The last negative headline is only a week ago. There a reader filmed like a train like that drove with a hole in the bottom of Trogen up to Appenzell.
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