144-story skyscraper destroyed by explosives in Abu Dhabi


The 144-story skyscraper Mina Plaza, located in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, was destroyed by explosives. Moments of controlled destruction were recorded in seconds.

Explosives destroy 144-story skyscraper in Abu Dhabi

The 144-story Mina Plaza skyscraper, consisting of 4 blocks, located in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), was destroyed in a controlled manner with explosives.


It was observed that the skyscraper was completely destroyed in 10 seconds with the activation of explosives placed in 18 thousand wells. Those moments were reflected on the cameras moment by moment.

The 144-story skyscraper Mina Plaza, located in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, was destroyed by explosives. Moments of controlled destruction were recorded in seconds.

144-story skyscraper destroyed by explosives in Abu Dhabi-Video

144-story skyscraper destroyed by explosives in Abu Dhabi # 1

144-story skyscraper destroyed by explosives in Abu Dhabi # 2

144-story skyscraper destroyed by explosives in Abu Dhabi # 3

144-story skyscraper destroyed by explosives in Abu Dhabi # 4

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