0 grade alert. American embassy hit by a “rain” of missiles


Several Katyusha missiles fell on Tuesday in Baghdad’s so-called Green Zone, home to several government buildings and foreign embassies, Iraqi police sources quoted by Reuters and AFP say.

According to a security source, at least four missiles were fired, one of which landed near the US embassy. No casualties were reported.

The American C-RAM missile defense system was launched immediately after the rocket launch.

They arrive about a month after an armistice declared by the pro-Iranian Iranian factions.

Over the past year, dozens of such missile attacks have targeted the US embassy and Iraqi bases hosting American soldiers, claimed by shadowy groups claiming to work to oust the “American occupier” from Iraq, but behind them are the pro-Iranian parties and armed factions installed in the Iraqi political landscape after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

The United States will significantly reduce the number of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan

The United States will reduce troop numbers from Afghanistan and Iraq to 2,500 in each of the two countries by January 15 next year, interim Defense Secretary Christopher Miller said Tuesday, according to Reuters and AFP.

Miller explained that the cut aims to end a “war of a generation,” a recognition that the US has had troops in Afghanistan since 2001 and in Iraq since 2003.

About 2,000 troops will be withdrawn from the first and about 500 from the second.

The decision reflects the US president’s desire to “successfully end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and bring our brave soldiers home,” Miller said.

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