There are various elements that you will need to monitor or understand what happens when the Bitcoin Cash network is split (1640UTC, November 15th).
We will cover the story of the bifurcation as it happens, but here are some useful tools that will help you tomorrow (Note: the following subtitles are links to the tools).
Coin Dance has followed the support among the various Bitcoin Cash protocol roadmaps among the 50 companies and leading organizations in the cryptographic sphere. They also offer a "weighted" option that takes into account the influence and size of the various organizations they are examining. This data will give you an idea of what and how many companies support each network protocol.
Nodes are a key element of the consent mechanism for the network. A node stores a complete copy of the blockchain and also adheres to the various consent rules to keep all the nodes synchronized. This data will give you an overview of the number of nodes running on the network and the various differences between node implementations.
Coin Dance has a monitor built to see the number of blocks extracted from each mining pool. This tool can be used before and after the fork to calculate the estimated relative hashing power that the various hashing pools will perform on each side of a fork.
This tool was recently supported by Bitmex Research. It will tell you how many competing chains are currently connected to various nodes on the network. It will also tell you which chain is ahead (in terms of block height): use this tool after the fork to see which chain is in advance and if there is a potential re-org attack detected.
Blockchair will show a list of recently extracted blocks on the BCH blockchain. For each block, you can view the details of the various transactions included in each of them. It is assumed that when exchanges begin to accept deposits (based on a number of confirmations), it will be possible to see them included in the blockchain. If you can identify the address related to the main exchanges, you may be able to identify whales that are trying to send coins to download the markets.
Fork.lol will provide a comparison between the mining profitability that exists between the Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash blockchains. If a split in the chain occurs, a DARI (Reward Index adjusted for difficulty) may be displayed on both sides of the fork. This will give you an indication if there is an economic incentive for sha-256 miners to jump from BTC in mine to one of the Bitcoin Cash forks.
Last but certainly not least, this hashwars.cash Star Wars fork tracker provides a fork countdown, the current number of nodes for each implementation, and even the current prices of USDC from Poloniex. Do not forget to look for your favorite Star Wars character!