You can see TWO meteor showers this month


It’s officially the start of the holiday season and, well, there’s not much to do, is there? Thankfully the night sky is here to support our rather sparse social lives and add some much needed sparkle in November.

Head out after dark this month and you’ll have a chance to spot shooting stars from two meteor showers.

Leonids are visible in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere from now until November 30, but you have the best chance of spotting a fast, bright flash of light in the night sky between November 16-17, when the shower reaches the peak. Just look for the constellation of Leo in the sky, from which the meteors, created by the comet Tempel-Tuttle, seem to flow.

Are you still looking? You also have the chance to spot a shooting star from the Taurid meteor shower, made up of debris left behind by Comet Encke, earlier this month. The event has already peaked in the Southern Hemisphere, but you may still spot one of the slow-moving stars until November 20. In the Northern Hemisphere, they will be visible until December 9, but the best night to look at the sky will be November. 10-11.

You don’t need special equipment to see any of the showers – just a dark, clear sky and a little patience. It’s something we’ve all cultivated in 2020, right?

Do you like stargazing? Here are the celestial events you need to know.

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