"Now you can buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin on Yahoo Finance", announced Pompliano through his famous Twitter account. The embrace of cryptocurrency by YF has many in the ecosystem excited about the future prospects for a more widespread adoption. This could indeed be the case, or it could also be a deep desire as digital resource fans launch into a brutal bearish market.
YF is, of course, a subdivision of Yahoo !, one of the original web portals in the early days of the network. YF has been in circulation for over two decades, a source of reference information on stocks and financials. Bitcoins of a certain age will remember YF as a first glimpse of the power of information and network aggregation.
Why Litecoin in front of others?
Today, it is considered less innovative, and more like a melange, a gigantic salad of financial information through news, commentary, financial reports, assorted original content and a staple at conferences, along with the usual facilitation of press releases and housing data. It is equally likely to be seen as a reliable source of financial statements.
Last summer was blown up by Oath Inc, a subsidiary of Verizon. Now claims to be one of the largest economic news sites in the United States. Suggestions from the larger company that is delighting in crypts actually arrived a few months earlier, this year's spring, when its Japanese wing said it would buy a good amount of Bitarg Exchange Tokyo encryption platform with the hope of launching its own exchange in the spring of 2019.
Although its platform keeps track of other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin cash (BCH), YF has not yet made them available for retail trade (a curiosity, like both, to example, ripple and bitcoin cash outrank litecoin, for example, in market capitalization). The cryptographic data of YF derive from Crypto Compare
Yahoo! Is cryptographic integration of finance important? Let us know in the comments below.
Images via Pixabay.
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