Xiaomi’s share price plummets after announcing further placements to raise $ 4 billion-Sina.com


  1. Xiaomi’s share price plummets after announcing further placements to raise $ 4 billionSina
  2. Xiaomi Group suspends trading in Hong Kong-Xiaomi Xiaomi TechnologycnBeta
  3. Market news 丨 Xiaomi intends to raise nearly 4 billion US dollars and drops nearly 12% when opening in the afternoon36kr
  4. Xiaomi Group resumes trading: the issuance of convertible bonds from 855 million dollars fell by more than 10% after the recoverySina
  5. Xiaomi resumes trading, down 8%, agrees to place 1 billion shares at HK $ 23.7 per share – Xiaomi Xiaomi TechnologycnBeta
  6. View the full report on Google News


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