World of ether | Does this Crypto game save Ethereum?


  World of Ether

It's been nine months since World of Ether sold half a million dollars of pre-sale assets in just under 48 hours. Now, the encrypted game is finally ready to show what has been built.

This is declared by the founders as one of the most sophisticated dApp on the market, pushing the boundaries of what is capable on the Ethereum network. Recently, in the Telegram community of World of Ether, fans have even echoed that this game "Save Ethereum."

$ 10,000 to test the Beta

On September 22nd 2018, World of Ether will distribute their free Beta on the Rinkeby Test Net and pay players a $ 10,000 prize pool to prove it.

"We're giving players all this money for the Beta so they can get as much gameplay feedback as possible on the main network." Edward Sturm, World of Ether's marketing director told CryptoCurrencyNews.

The $ 10,000, as shown in this post, will be distributed as a reward for being the first to "hatch" 40 of 200 monsters within the game prizes on different monsters will get higher prices than others.

A player who first opens the monster # 26 will receive $ 100, while the first to hatch # 39 gets $ 800, for example. These rewards will be paid to ETH.

"Part of the beauty of the use of the blockchain for something like this is that the discoverer's wallet is immutably attributed to the discovery of that monster, and this makes it very easy for us to keep track of who

  World of Ether

Saving Ethereum?

Up to this point, the largest EthApp app has been CryptoKitties, which skeptics have said is not a tempting use for Ethereum. Augur is another app. high level, but has also been criticized, like many other dApp, as if it had a "clumsy" user experience.

The founders of the World of Ether want to solve all this.

"What we have made it will become the flower at the eyelet of Ethereum dApp, " says Bryan Okeke, who has planned the smart contracts of the game. " When the founders of Ethereum are questioned about cases of use for their blockchain, are going to say, 'Oh give a look' iata to World of Ether. & # 39; "

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Ethereum, of course, has been on a monumental bear managed in the last eight months, so there are many who hope that these statements will become truth.

  World of Ether

About World of Ether

The pre-sale of the World of Ether began in January with the sale of "Eggs" which hatch in "Ethereian Monsters". Thousands of these eggs have been sold so far, with some of the buyers who are well-known figures in the blockchain space. [19659003] So I'm sure you're wondering, "What can I do with these monsters?" Well, you have the chance to raise them to do more, face them to increase your level, and sell them and make them real ETH. The highest level players are able to breed rarer and stronger monsters, which should get more out of the market due to rigid mechanics.

While World of Ether does not use ERC721 token for its monsters (which are attributed on-chain to Ethereum wallets), the game has power-ups called 'Crystals & # 39 ;, which are ERC20 and will be available for the purchase in the near future.

World of Ether will be available on Rinkeby Test Network this coming Saturday, September 22nd, and then on Ethereum mainnet not long after

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