Will Canada Get a COVID-19 Vaccine Soon?


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If manufacturers experience severe adverse effects, they must report this within 24 hours and you normally stop the process immediately, because you would not want to take any risks, as happened with the vaccine trials by AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly. It didn’t happen with these two.

Q. How long could it be given to people?

A. In the United States we are talking about the end of December. In Canada there is talk of a delivery date in the first quarter of 2021. I don’t know if it will be January or March. Even then, it will not be enough to vaccinate a significant amount of the population, but hopefully enough to vaccinate some high-risk groups.

Q. Who would have received it first?

A. It is difficult to say. The statement from the NACI (National Advisory Committee on Immunization) has already given priority to key populations: the elderly, healthcare workers, people who are at an advanced risk of contracting the disease in the course of their work. Knowing which groups will be first depends on the safety and efficacy data and the number of doses we will get. If we get 10 million doses, that’s different than if we get 3 million.

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