December 6, 2018 at 12:50
| updated:
December 6, 2018 at 12: 50 & nbspUTC
The popularity of Bitcoin in recent years has meant that many people ask themselves various questions, such as how many Bitcoins are there or who have the largest number of Bitcoins in the world. Answering the first question is not that difficult, but answering this last question can become a rather difficult task.
To begin with, Bitcoin does not belong to any single entity or person in the world. Some say that the developer of Bitcoin, who passes by the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto, may not even be a real person and could be a group of people.
Since Bitcoin can not be traced, then its property can only be traced through the Blockchain. Therefore, no one else besides Bitcoin himself knows the property of a particular Bitcoin. Therefore, without access to the Bitcoin password, it is not possible to know the true property.
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Data on some popular websites indicate some of the major players who own a significant amount of Bitcoin. Let's have a look at the list of the best known Bitcoin owners:
Satoshi Nakamoto
It is estimated that Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, has Bitcoin worth $ 4.7 million. Please note that the numbers are only an estimate and vary constantly based on the price of Bitcoin in the markets. Frankly, no one will ever know the exact properties of Satoshi Nakamoto's portfolio.
Chinese mining companies of Bitcoin
Chinese mining pools are big players in the cryptocurrency market as they are the ones who extract Bitcoin and put it into circulation. It is widely believed that the 81% of the Bitcoin collective hashish rate is under the control of these Chinese Bitcoin farms. In the 2016-2016 year, Antpool was responsible for 20% of the Bitcoins drawn in the world.
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The Federal Bureau of Investigation
It is believed that the FBI owns at least 1.5% of all Bitcoins on the market. As in the case of Chinese mining mines, the FBI has similar mining operations. Did you know, can you also buy Bitcoins in cash? Read our article to learn more.
Dadi Satoshi
Satoshi Dice is widely defined as the first major acquisition when it acquired up to 126,315 bitcoins.
Some individual investors have large holdings of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency in their portfolio. For example, one of the most important investors, Roger Ver, is speculated to own Bitcoin worth $ 52 million. Charlie Shrem will come later with holdings in Bitcoin for 45 million dollars. Then comes Dave Carlson who is said to have Bitcoin worth $ 35 million.
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Japanese investors
It was estimated that the Japanese Yen currency was used to buy 42% of all Bitcoins traded in 2016.
It is also known that as many as 34.8% of Bitcoin in the markets is owned by the first 1000 Bitcoin addresses. Interestingly, in America, only 800 people have stored Bitcoin's income in their taxes. It means that many private investors choose to remain anonymous.
The popular belief among the community of cryptocurrencies is that by 2027 there will be as many as 17 million Bitcoins in circulation. Increasing the value of the world's first cryptocurrency, many investors will sell their holdings. Only time will reveal who the biggest players in the Bitcoin game are. To learn how to sell your Bitcoins, read our article.
Here are some articles for you to read. Next:
A beginner's guide to Litecoin
The best Altcoin to invest in 2018
How to buy Bitcoin using your bank account?
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