There are many different ways to measure activity around different virtual currencies. It is not only possible to do this taking into account the volume of trade or the growth of users, but also of their activity Github. Although the market declined in 2018, Github shows that development continues to grow in the encrypted space.
Several projects have increased their presence in Github and has recorded a growing business. The fall in prices in virtual currencies has not affected these projects so much. C & # 39; is a website called Cryptomiso and measures Github activities for encryption enthusiasts to observe their favorite projects.
According to this website, the projects with the highest number of commits were Insolar (INS), 0x and Rchain. They had 7,289, 7,098 and 5,584 committed respectively in 2018. These were followed by Tron (TRX) with 5,399, EOS with 4,823 and Zuesshield (ZSC) with 4,162 commits.
There is also another site called Coincodecap that keeps track of all the implementations that each project has. This will provide a wider activity for each of the projects. Cardano (ADA) for example has 45,000 commits in all its repositories, followed by Augur, 0x, Ethereum and Lisk.
Although there are several commits per project, this does not mean that one coin or blockchain is better than another. This helps enthusiasts and analysts to see better the development that is being undertaken behind every cryptographic project.
those projects having little activity could mean that there are not enough developers working behind or that the project has not been developed at all. Clearly, these sites can improve the way they measure activity in Github, however, they have shown interesting information that can be used by investors and other enthusiasts.
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