Where you are most likely to be exposed to COVID-19 – BC News


COVID: where to get it

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The BC Center for Disease Control has provided a clear picture of the settings in which COVID-19 is most commonly prevalent.

Data collected from September 13 to October 28 shows that families are the most common environment for exposure to the virus, regardless of a person’s age.

In British Columbia, workplaces demonstrate the second most common place of transmission of the coronavirus, according to a model released on November 12.

The exception, when it comes to age, is people over the age of 80 – they are more likely to be infected with COVID-19 in a healthcare setting.

Time spent indoors with others is a risk

In a press conference on Tuesday, the provincial health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, said, “When we spend time indoors with people outside our family, work group or school cohort, the risks increase for. all”.

Henry added that problems have also arisen from people getting together before or after organized sports championships or gym and fitness classes.

The doctor has restricted all social gatherings, except for people living in the same family.

“Instead, let’s keep in touch virtually and make a safer winter for all of us,” he urged following the announcement of 717 new coronavirus cases and 11 related deaths in BC.

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