Of course, the year we are leaving behind was not good for virtual currencies and the market. Analysts are now talking about what will be next for cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in 2019. ICOBox was able to gather information on what could be three important things for virtual currencies and the market in the next year.
The first thing they mentioned concerns the problems that blockchain technology is currently facing. Some of these problems include poor scalability, slowing transactions and a slow tendency for the entire population to adopt blockchain technology.
Most of these problems will not be solved during the next year. However, developers will work on these problems trying to provide better solutions and services to the virtual currency and blockchain markets. For example, Bitcoin developers are currently working to improve the so-called lighting network (LN).
The LN is one of the most important solutions Bitcoin could have for its scaling problems. It could allow users to send millions of transactions per second without the network becoming congested. At the same time, the transactions will be processed at a lower cost than what is currently being processed on the Bitcoin network.
In addition, investors will seek better solutions like faster networks, with more possibilities and with a higher degree of innovation.
It is also important to underline that for some months Bitcoin has remained relatively stable. The same happened to other virtual currencies. Self Bitcoin operates with low volatility, which means that the market is also becoming more mature. The mature markets are also very positive for developers who will have the opportunity to build all the projects and ideas they have.
The second point marked by ICOBox is the tokenisation of resources. During the Bitcoin boom, investors believed that Bitcoin would change everything in a few months. However, it was not like that. The price increase recorded during 2017 has been incredibly driven by speculation. In December 2017, Bitcoin reached an impressive $ 20,000.
Investors know that real estate, raw materials and art have been stable and profitable investments over time. However, sometimes a lot of capital is needed to be part of the game.
During 2019, tokenization could be a very important trend that could have very positive effects on different portfolios. Users would be able to trade their businesses similarly to equity or money and should not be tied up for years until the physical item is sold.
However, there are several resources that could be tokenized. This is a process that can start during this year but will certainly continue in the coming years.
The third and last trend mentioned by the ICOBox Blockchain Research Center (IBRC) is the greater security of personal information. In 2018, people understood that blockchain technology started to produce positive effects on privacy. Several companies like Facebook have suffered different attacks and attacks that have shown that blockchain technology could play a key role in improving and improving industry standards.
ICOBox believes that in 2019 people will begin to take further steps to control their digital identities and information. The IBRC suggests that with more people trying to learn how to protect their privacy they will learn blockchain technology.
There may be a new trend for tech-savvy individuals who are not involved in virtual currencies that would develop new platforms for those who do not understand or know the different technologies currently being improved on the market.
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLP) technology is a relatively new technology that can have very positive impacts on the market.
In this way, ICOBox shows that there is a very positive future for blockchain technology and virtual currencies as a whole. IBRC is convinced that 2019 will be a "reference year for cryptography" that will make the market grow in a sustainable way. The rapid rise that virtual currencies have had in the course of 2017 has generated more damage than benefits for cryptocurrencies.
In the near future, Bitcoin's first exchange-traded fund (ETF) could be approved by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In addition, several companies and institutions are starting to build solutions for other institutions and wealthy investors to enter the cryptocurrency market.
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