What gives you that crypto-anxiety, we know that Ethereum is not – BlockPublisher


Has something ever bothered you so much that you can not stop trying not to think about it? Yes, it's possible that something in your brain is a bit melted and you need a disengagement. It's 2019, a new year is here, people celebrate all over the world, and here you are, worrying about your future years and how they would be? You are not the little brains!

We had a small problem in the office where a person was losing his head thinking that if the criptos were really that good or not, the obsession was real. There was no answer, but wait, wait is an erratic hoe, we all know. But hurry is wasteful and sometimes the brain does not understand.

Some people look for quantifiable answers. They are looking for yes or no, looking for if, yes, how and when. They do not want to know if and but and maybe also, and maybe. They simply do not understand the world when it is not in numbers, labels, stamps and values.

But it's okay if you're that guy. In fact it is beautiful. Nothing is better than the peace of mind that values ​​can give us, the numbers show patterns and patterns are good for the brain, but not all brains understand them because not all of the tabular rasas are filled in the same way.

So if you're the first type, you probably want to know if cryptos will ever be a stable investment, the answer is yes, they are. When? Soon, as soon as the technological uniqueness of artificial intelligence spreads and artificial intelligence learns to be better to improve, oh how the human race could never do it despite the degrees of imagination and a lot of books.

If you're the second type, well, then my friend, you should know that your anxiety is justified and legitimates more than anything else. You are in the right place of itching, the purpose of life, oh, oops, the cryptic drama will be resolved when the overall attitude towards economic and social freedoms will change, and this is a very long shot, imagine all the countries that still debating whether there should be privatized companies or not, imagine it! WHAT WE ARE STILL IN 1677? Anyway.

Life is hard, technology and love of technology make it better, it is necessary, but troll, damn these trolls, make it a very unpleasant experience. Have you ever seen a video of a person cursing an iPhone? Yes, they exist, people are more stupid than ever and are more annoying than humanity has ever been and congratulations, this is 2019, and cryptography and their legitimacy are still under discussion!

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