What do the Blockchain developers do? Blockchain developer tutorial

Blockchain developers
Photo: Rawpixel, Pixabay

Unless you've lived under a rock, you've probably heard the terms "bitcoin" and "blockchain" being mentioned in the news, from the water chiller or online. It is hoped that you have a vague understanding of the cryptocurrency, but you may be wondering what it is about, how everything fits and who is responsible for everything.

Blockchain developers are behind the creation and development of technology and its growing proliferation and many new applications in hundreds of industries. It is the new category of hot work in IT and technology and in an extremely high demand, but it lacks an understanding of what the job entails, even among the crowds of developers.

If you're trying to figure out what a "blockchain developer" is, we should first establish what all of these terms mean. Read below to find out more about the blockchain developers.

What is the blockchain?

A blockchain in its most fundamental sense is an online digital ledger that records transaction information. Blockchain is a decentralized peer network that creates a permanent record of transactions, unlike centralized systems there is no need for an intermediary. This means that blockchain is safer as it does not put information or money in the hands of third parties.

It is more often associated with cryptocurrency as it is its most popular use – while all cryptocurrencies are blockchain, it is not the only use for a blockchain. Blockchain is famous for having revolutionized the cryptocurrency because it has solved the problem of cryptocurrency that is easy to tamper with. Blockchain can be used for any transaction and today is discovered by many new industries.

The thing that makes the blockchain so attractive and the reason why it is gaining popularity as a technology is that it only allows users to add information to it. Older information can never be erased or tampered with, which makes the blockchain very safe and manageable for transaction security and its potential for areas such as banking and security is starting to be recognized.

Blockchain has the potential to make local and international transactions faster and cheaper, identity verification more efficient and can cut the intermediary for many industries such as the entertainment industry.

What is a blockchain developer?

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Photo: Pexels, Pixabay

The increase in popularity for blockchain has meant that there is a growing demand for blockchain developers.

With so many different types of developers out there, it's a bit confusing trying to figure out what these blockchain developers are.

Essentially, blockchain developers are fundamentally responsible for the creation, implementation and maintenance of distributed blockchain networks.

Anyone involved in the design and implementation of blockchain can generally be called a blockchain developer.

There are actually two main types of blockchain developers, those that create security and the basic architecture of blockchain for others on which to build and software developers who develop decentralized applications.

What do blockchain developers do?

So, what does the daily role of a blockchain developer involve?

Most blockchain developers are responsible for front and back end development, intelligent contract management, and data and architecture design and decentralization.

Core block chain developers usually design blockchain protocols, design consent protocols and security models for the network, design network architecture, and oversee the entire network in their roles.

Software developers use the architecture created by the core block chain developers to develop decentralized apps.

The role is complex but is increasingly sought as industries and entrepreneurs seek to capitalize on blockchain technology. The role includes high-level analysis, development, testing, design and debugging, as well as knowledge of multiple operating systems, platforms and programming languages.

The challenges include working within the legacy infrastructure and understanding the technical needs of the projects or using a skillset that is not part of traditional IT or development skills.

What skills are required?

The role of the blockchain development process requires a high level of technical skills and abilities. Some of the key competences that block chain developers must include;

Knowledge of blockchain architecture

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Photo: Mmi9, Pixabay

The novelty of blockchain technology means that blockchain concepts are not yet part of the breadth of IT and software skills for bread and butter. Blockchain developers must have a highly specialized knowledge of specific blockchain concepts such as consensus and distributed accounting technology to be effective in the role.

They should understand the details of the technology and be able to understand the potential future of technology and the broader importance of blockchain in different sectors.

Data structures

Data structures are a big part of the daily role of a blockchain developer and is essential for building secure systems. A poor understanding of data structures would result in a poor blockchain developer, as data structures are regularly optimized and adapted to network requirements.


A high level of cryptographic knowledge is essential for the development of blockchain. Encryption is essential for the blockchain as it is the component that makes it secure and builds the chain, without encryption a developer will not be able to generate digital signatures or understand how the blockchain architecture works.

Smart contracts

Smart Contracts are the new word of order in the blockchain world and is generally included in most blockchain developments a day. Smart contracts are basically a way to store business processes and agreements on the blockchain ledger. Many blockchain developers are now learning languages ​​and specific skills for the smart contract, as this has become a hot commodity for industries like finance and real estate.

web development

Front and back-end web development capabilities are essential for blockchain developers to create decentralized applications. This is the skill with which most of the blockchain developers will start when they start their journey towards the development of blockchain.

How much do the blockchain developers do?

Blockchain developers are highly sought after and wages reflect this reality. US-led wages are up $ 175 and Australia can easily be in a similar income bracket.

The developers of Blockchain do very well the salary!

What kind of education do they have?

Blockchain developers are typically computer majors, software engineers or IT specialists. They are intelligent people even without any degree. The relatively new status means that there are still specific degree programs or units for blockchain developers, but there are courses and certifications that are starting to come for those interested in a blockchain career.


So that's it! All you need to know about what blockchain developers and the technology they work with are doing.

The potential of Blockchain is huge and the technology will revolutionize the way we do things in many areas, so it's important to understand what exactly goes in the daily role of the people who design and implement it.

As blockchain technology continues to grow, the demand for developers will continue to grow, so it is important to let people know what exactly the technology is and how to enter.

An exciting future awaits future developers and existing developers have endless opportunities to be part of the blockchain revolution with excellent salaries and benefits at work as an added benefit.

We hope this article has been helpful in explaining what blockchain developers do.

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